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Am i stupid for being jealous of her? - Printable Version

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Am i stupid for being jealous of her? - Purple - 12-06-2012 02:26 PM

I'm not really sure where to start and no matter what i write i'm still going to sound like a bad person but trust me i'm not. Very long story short, me and this guy from school got back in touch via Facebook. We met up and after meeting up a few times we ended up sleeping together. That was the biggest mistake of my life because not only was it my first time but afterwards he treated me differently and only talked about sex when we spoke. I felt like crap but yet i really liked him. This "thing" (whatever it was) carried on for about 6 months or so.

Then he got back with some ex girlfriend who he knew from uni and who lived near him (he lives miles away from me). Well, at first he said he just wanted to be friends because he was no longer single but then when we met up he tried to kiss me and touched me inappropriately. At the time i was so blinded by my feelings that i thought that meant he liked me (stupid) so i let him do it. The next time we ended up sleeping together behind his girlfriend's back and carried on up until about 2 months ago. He text me one night asking to meet up for a drink (i didn't reply) the next day i find out that he's moving in with her. I decided i couldn't do it anymore so i text him telling him to leave me alone. He asked if we could meet up and be friend but i said no. The next day he removed me from Facebook and haven't spoken since the middle of March. The first few weeks i was very upset but now that it's been over a month i feel slightly better but it's still hard sometimes. I hardly go on Facebook now because i don't want to see anything that will upset me etc I'm more disappointed with myself more than anything because i was told what he was like and i never thought i'd be so stupid. I still feel angry that he's gotten away with it.

Sometimes I feel like it happened because I wasn't good enough. I mean, I've seen pictures of her and she's not a supermodel or anything, she's just a normal looking girl like me but she's blonde and her family is well off (unlike me).

- RiRi - 12-06-2012 02:34 PM

dont be

- Little Duck - 12-06-2012 02:34 PM

Please just put it behind you and move new guys

- Robert - 12-06-2012 02:34 PM

maybe the other is good for something other than what you are will to give

- Caroline - 12-06-2012 02:34 PM

You are not stupid. This man is not to be trusted. Feel sorry for the poor girl he cheated on, not for yourself. He is not worth worrying over.

- kate - 12-06-2012 02:34 PM

It's not stupid at all. He is just a typical red blooded male who wanted a bit on the side. Well done you for doing the right thing and getting rid.

- Linda - 12-06-2012 02:34 PM

He's not a good catch either. Forget him. He's using you. Move on.

- PandaNanda - 12-06-2012 02:34 PM

First thing, it is not you, its not your fault and you are not less than the other girl
Second count yourself lucky - with his behaviour would he really have made you happy or would he have just destroyed you - I think that he is someone that will make other people around him feel insignificance and not worthy.
Thirdly not all men behave in the way he did - there is someone out there that will love you for who you are and you do not have to act in any way to keep him
Lastly - do not have relationships via facebook they are so shallow and those people that are jealous will try and destroy you.
P.S: Do go on facebook and un friend him - you do not need him