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Whos in the wrong in this situation? - Printable Version

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Whos in the wrong in this situation? - Yellow - 12-06-2012 03:33 PM

Lets say, a girl and a guy are "seeing" each other. They are going out and also sleeping together.

The guy, has from the beginning, never promised a relationship, he refused to add her on facebook, he told her "what you're doing, I'm doing" (in regards to seeing other people), he usually refers to her as a friend.

The girl is getting frustrated that he doesn't want to be her boyfriend, she gets angry that he won't add her on facebook.

Who is wrong here, the girl (who expects a commitment) or the guy (who promised nothing)
I am neither party in the question.
i find it humorous how you assume I am the girl.

- Becky - 12-06-2012 03:41 PM

Both - the guy is a douche and the girl should never have gone out with him!

- Alex - 12-06-2012 03:41 PM

There is no wrong. The guy never said he was gonna give commitment but the girl is entitled to want and hope he'll change his mind

- missAsnsd - 12-06-2012 03:41 PM

The girl since she knew wt she was getting into

- X Rated - 12-06-2012 03:41 PM


- cait r - 12-06-2012 03:41 PM

probably you..

- Ay - 12-06-2012 03:41 PM

No one is wrong.
But for the girl, take the hint that he only wants you as a booty call.

If he doesn't add you on facebook, that's pretty cold.

If you want a relationship, break it off with this guy and move on. There are plenty of guys that are after more than a piece of tail.

- Craig - 12-06-2012 03:41 PM

you both are wrong! the guy obviously only wants you for your body which i would love to fucking punch him in the face for! but on the other hand... you gave it up to him... you should never do that unless you know for sure if hes a good guy and that your ready Smile oh btw dump the fucktard! he obviously doesnt know he has a good girl on his hands so he doesnt desreve you to be honest! sorry for the swearing lol its just guys like him who make it hard for a guy like me to get a girl...hope i helped a little bit lol