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Can I have some opinions here? - Printable Version

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Can I have some opinions here? - In wuv - 12-06-2012 05:05 PM

I am a psychology major and I am doing an assignment based upon people's first impressions of others. Being that social media is a big part of our society. I decided to use social media and how people think of others based on our portrayals of ourselves on social media sites. So judging by this woman's facebook, what is your impression of her. (Note: the people used in this have given me permission) and no this is not my profile, this is not a "am I pretty question" Please give me specific feedback nothing like "she's pretty" For instance, judging by her wall posts, pics ect what kind of person do you think of her as? What is your impression? Thoughts? or any other feedback that may be useful

I asked this before but got very little feedback

- Maria - 12-06-2012 05:13 PM

She is a normal mom who loves her kids and her husband but is unsually eccentric compared to most moms of her age. In the beginning, when I saw the pic, I thought it was a girl before I read about herself. And I was like, this young lady has a husband and two kids? But then when I checked out her pics, I saw some of hers when she was skinny, probably before she was pregnant.