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How long would it take to build a large social network like Facebook? - Printable Version

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How long would it take to build a large social network like Facebook? - Angel A - 12-06-2012 05:37 PM

How long would it take to build a social network like Facebook? Twitter? or Skype?
Days, weeks, months, a year?? Would it help to get it done sooner if the programmers knew EXACTLY how it is going to be already?

Also, what about if expert programmers were hired? Like people who program for big companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Apple. How long should it take?

Estimates anyone? Thanks!

- Miguel - 12-06-2012 05:45 PM

It would only take months of dedication, considering working with the proper people, but it will take years of publicizing and making your website a famous, well-known site.

- Vasiq - 12-06-2012 05:45 PM

Any experienced team of programmers should be able to come up with an original idea /layout/design and of course implementation of a social networking website well within a year (Assuming we keep things original and not rip off FB or Twitter). A time period of 4 months should be reasonable if the team is experienced, and basically knows what they are doing.

- whisperingtest955 - 12-06-2012 05:45 PM

Before you can consider time you have to have a plan of action, a product/service. You cant just decide 'i am going to make the next big social media outlet', once you have all of your in depth planning you will need resources, you have to hire all of these professionals.
The best idea would be to start small and do it yourself, if it catches on hire someone to help you, slowly build up. No point spending a lot of money for a flop.

- Bright Water - 12-06-2012 05:45 PM

well if you got the team of expert it can be done within 3 months or even may done within 1 month,but problem is how would you bring it the world???how would you popular it among the people.that is the real task you have to do first??people are addict to the FB,tiwitter how should we change that and turn it to another network???I think that is the question that you should find a answer..:)gd lkc

- Pawan Kumar - 12-06-2012 05:45 PM

it will take about 15 to 20 days and not more than that.I have known one freelancer developer who has copied the whole facebook like website and made it in one week ,and he is capable of making these kinds of website in a very less time but after making this website its you who have to do marketing of this website to make it known to the outside world...

- isywgtw kqyox - 12-06-2012 05:45 PM

It depends on Advertising system, How you advertising? What kind of facilities are getting the users.

- sunil - 12-06-2012 05:45 PM

You can hire programmers at very low cost from vofox solution.
To know more details and the cost of hiring a programmer visit