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Do you think life is ever going to get better for me and one day I'll meet someone in a better world? - Printable Version

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Do you think life is ever going to get better for me and one day I'll meet someone in a better world? - Bruno - 12-06-2012 06:01 PM


I came home from school today very depressed. I am gay and my mom doesnt want me coming out of the closet to my fmaily or friends. I just want to be out open and happy. She loves me, but doesnt like me being gay and keeps saying "Im not crzy about it" and also "i dont neeed people knowing about my life" in response to posting i like men on facebook.

I am still hopelessly in love with that straight guy i fell for in hgih school who helped me through so much but as we are both 20, he move don to another state to go to work, havent heard form him in months. I'm fine, just sad.

The world also seems like a dark, bleeak place these days as war and econoimic struggles are continuing, my chance to meet a nice guy one day seem impossible, to be in lvoe and get married QUESTION has the world eve rbeen intuff spots like this before? will we recover again or beocme a third world climate naiton starving and killing one another.

I also wnated to be a write one day, but ebooks seemed to have killed that dream. Kid dont seem to read anymore, so my dream seems dead.

Please help, I just wnat to meet a nice guy one day after college (theres no lgbt vclub at my college btw) im a comptuer sceince major but my gpa aint so hot so im not sure if ill even find a job after) be away, be happy...thoguths?

- esmerelda - 12-06-2012 06:09 PM

Just come out at school. So what, your mom doesn't like it. She has HER life, you have yours. You are TWENTY YEARS OLD, kid. Grow up, man up, and stop letting Mommy run your life. There's no hope IF YOU GIVE UP.

- ? - 12-06-2012 06:09 PM

Do your best to focus on school, and maybe go to another college in the area with LGBT clubs. That way, if there's ever drama or you date someone and break up, etc, you can always just not go anymore. You'd still have your college life and career.

- Bob - 12-06-2012 06:09 PM

pound the carpet and live a healthy straight life or stay homo and depressed.