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How do I ask a girl out that I met and kissed at a party? - Printable Version

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How do I ask a girl out that I met and kissed at a party? - Hamo27 - 12-06-2012 07:47 PM

I'm a 16 year old guy just so this is clear. I met this girl at a party, I kinda like her although I'm not sure how to ask her out. She isn't someone that I can see in person really. I already kissed her at the party and I got along with her pretty well.

We discussed going out to see a movie, but when I asked her if she wanted to see one she said she had too much homework. Should I ask again now that school is finished?

And its hard to tell how much she actually likes me, or if she likes me as a friend - because some people have made it plain to me that some people "hook-up" for no reason these days.

Anyone who could help me would be helpful!

As for extra details, she kept looking into my eyes the whole time i was talking, she was really nice, reacted well to my jokes, I talked to her for a good 30 mins, probably more. While I went to the toilet she sat down and was waiting for me, and later she asked me to come dance with her and gave me a hug when she left.

As for recently, I haven't talked to her much on text messages, and normally she doesn't say much on texts, only things like "haha" and "oh true" - she may just be different on her phone to in person I'm not sure. On two times I tried to talk to her on facebook she didn't reply, but a week later when i texted her she replied.
hopefully thats enough details to make a judgement about this.

- Thomas - 12-06-2012 07:55 PM

How hard can it be - you have kissed her you can certainly ask her - if she says no then you know

- minimin214 - 12-06-2012 07:55 PM

You were the flavor of the night

- Sally - 12-06-2012 07:55 PM

Ask her if she's ready to catch that movie now? If she says no, I'd come right out and ask her if she's interested in dating you, if she does want to go, have a date and movie already picked out so you don't have to wait to find out when she wants to go out.