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Does he like me or what? please help? - Printable Version

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Does he like me or what? please help? - janoskiator - 12-06-2012 08:18 PM

okay so I like this guy, a couple of months ago I told him I like him but I told him over facebook I have never actually spoken to him in person...

he told all of his friends I like him. and since I have told him I always see him looking at me.
once he came and sat down with me with his friend and said "hey wassup?" my shyness ruined it thoughSad

he always waved at me and said hey to me everytime he saw me... then he dated this girl, karly... and found out I cried about it and said he felt really bad. they only dated for a week... whilst they were dating he didnt pay much attention to me but when they broke up he started again.

he and this girl, daisy are really close there like brother and sister and she knows I like him because he told her and I sometimes hear or tell that they are talking about me.

and my friend asked him if he liked me as a friend and he said "i guess..." and she asked him if he would ever date me and he said "probabally not I dont really know her YET" why did he say yet?!

and his best friend sam was tallking to me and said "brody (his name) likrs you" and I said "oh yeah right" and sam said "nah he just thinks your pretty"

and people say he talks about me quite alot...

does he want to get to know me or what?! he has done other stuff to get my attention aswell.

- SAMIUL Haque - 12-06-2012 08:26 PM

too big...

- Danielle - 12-06-2012 08:26 PM

Girl! You are strong and confident! I believe he likes you and i know you are shy girl so is everyone when it comes to this if someone seems not shy they are just playing it off but inside they are. Girl just dont wait for him. So up to him and tell him how you feel. Promise it will work. Be comfortable around him. If you really like him and he likes you I promise this will work. Need anymore help email me

- ftgstar - 12-06-2012 08:26 PM

Well.. If he does all of those things do you think he hates or likes you if he does that.. I have to say I ask if he likes you. By me reading this. I believe he does. The yet part, I think he wants to get to know you. Maybe hangout with him sometimes.. See where that might go from their. I hope I was help any...

- Torrie - 12-06-2012 08:26 PM

PLEASE IGNORE THIS DUDE! PLEASE!!! If he already knows you dig him, he's going to do whatever with you whenever he wants. YUCK! If he liked you he'd have gone for it asap. But , now he can be Mr. Cool, say whatever do whatever and assumes you'll wait...DO NOT WAIT! Do not ask about him, do not talk about him don't share any feelings about him. If he likes you he will notice and do something about it or he will continue being whatever he is. No more expressing your feelings for him, that is the guy's job, point blank, period. Save your pride and let him do all the work.