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Girls why do you accept to be friends with guys on facebook that like you but never respond to their messages? - Printable Version

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Girls why do you accept to be friends with guys on facebook that like you but never respond to their messages? - ticko - 12-07-2012 12:07 AM

this is what i don't understand. girls why do you accept to be friends with guys on facebook that like you and you know this(and you dont like them) then when they send you a message you never respond to them and they know that you've been on(changed profile pic or changed your status).Why don't you simply reject us or atleast explain to us whats going on?

- bob j - 12-07-2012 12:15 AM

I have the same problem with a girl I like.

- Tj - 12-07-2012 12:15 AM

Not to be mean, but you're coming off a little stalkerish. She may have accepted to be nice. If it really bothers you, just remove her from your friends list. Out of site out of mind, and if by the looks of it you wont miss out on anything. She is clearly ignoring you, so just cut your losses.

Alternatively, it could be that she just never checks her facebook e-mail. If you have her number, just give her a call. If she never gave you her #, then she isn't interested.