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What does it mean when you deactivate your facebook account? - Printable Version

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What does it mean when you deactivate your facebook account? - cupkake. - 12-07-2012 02:49 AM

Is it like deleting it? or how do i delete my facebook?

- Jon - 12-07-2012 02:57 AM

It means you're over it.
Look in the various profile options if you want to delete it.

- klelizabethx3 - 12-07-2012 02:57 AM

i haven't tried to deactivate my facebook account but i'm pretty sure it means to delete it.

- MagicRabbit - 12-07-2012 02:57 AM

Deactivation will make it invisible, but you can still reactivate it. In order to delete it permanently, you'll need to have Facebook do it for you. The link at the bottom is to their FAQ. Go down to the fourth question from the bottom, "I want to permanently delete my account". Click on it and it will give you a link to the form you'll need to fill out for deletion.

Sorry I can't get you a direct link to the form, but you have to have a Facebook account to access it. HTH

- cob - 12-07-2012 02:57 AM

"when you deactivate your account you are NOT deleting it. It is as if your account is hibernating. People can not see your account or search for you.
However, you can reactivate it by simply logging in with your email/password per usual. everything that was on your account prior to deactivating will still be on your account after reactivating (wall posts, messages, friends, pics, etc.)"

google is your best friend, and wouldve saved you five points =)

- Icy Chill - 12-07-2012 02:57 AM

To deactivaye an account is to get rid of it, get rid of any trace that yuo were ever there or ever had purpose to be there. Smile