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Why do celebrities on facebook and twitter ignore their fans? - Printable Version

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Why do celebrities on facebook and twitter ignore their fans? - Christopher - 12-07-2012 04:28 AM

im a huge fan of Lady GaGa and Rihanna i tweet them all the time but they completly ignore my tweets and freind requests while they are online why do they do this it really fustrates me.

- mdcmaya - 12-07-2012 04:36 AM

They get so many of them.. They would have to respond to MILLIONS of people.. A DAY! To keep it fair they chose a select few that catch their attention.

- Robert - 12-07-2012 04:36 AM

Well, when you have billions of fans, to message each individual one that sends you something it would take years to get them all

- mhb - 12-07-2012 04:36 AM

there are millions of fans like you doing the same tweeting stuff. you are not an exception (sorry if i hurt your feelings, but i don't mean to) so why would they reply you if they don't reply to others.

- Pawan - 12-07-2012 04:36 AM

Firstly, most of them are fake. Secondly, they are managed by their staff. Even if it is genuine, they don;t see your tweets because there are loads of tweets and updates coming from everywhere.

- Kylie † ♥ - 12-07-2012 04:36 AM

They get a lot a day, so they might not even see it. But make sure you do it often. I've been fortunate enough to have Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande, & Sikowits (The teacher on the show) to reply to me tweets... They were all unsuspected. Just continue or send fanmail which they will reply with an autographed picture and a letter (usually).. But with Lady Gaga it may take a few years. I send one to Selena Gomez and she took 2 and a half years to reply but Ariana Grande took 1 month Smile

Good luck!

- Sarah - 12-07-2012 04:36 AM

They receive an overwhelming amount of tweets per minute and its impossible to reply to every fan, and they can't single anybody out. Gaga tries her best to include everyone in her fanbase and communicates with them on a regular basis. If she doesn't reply to you, don't take it personally. Smile

- Amora - 12-07-2012 04:36 AM

Sometimes they do answer, but usually they're too busy doing real things for their fans, like writing or recording new music.
You rather have them producing new music than answering every fan on all social media, do you?

- SPYDERBLADE - 12-07-2012 04:36 AM

Given the fact that they have lives outside of their online lives, and millions of fans, it's not a surprise. They would need a clone just to handle the tweets, requests, and fan mail.