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Talking with a girl on Facebook and she's threatened to kill herself? Among other issues? - Printable Version

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Talking with a girl on Facebook and she's threatened to kill herself? Among other issues? - Xysa Zing - 12-07-2012 05:23 AM

I met a thirteen-year-old girl about three weeks ago at a club and she told me the following day she had a crush on me. I said that was OK but I wouldn't enter into a relationship with her because of the age difference (I'm 17). Ever since she has been posting love messages to my Facebook wall, asking for my mobile number, etc. I told her there was no prospect of a relationship and she confided in me about being bullied at school for being a lesbian. She said she was thinking of killing herself and I'm talking to her now trying to make sure she doesn't hurt herself.

She also said something about one of the teachers at school comforting her after she walked out of class and the teacher resting her head on her and having a crush on her? I don't know if she's making it up to get attention or make me jealous, but I'm really not comfortable with the things she's telling me and I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to get her or the teacher into trouble if it's not true but I really don't know what to do. She won't change schools because of a disabled friend who relies on her, but she's being beaten up, having things stolen from her, and her finger's been broken by these bullies. I really want to help her but I don't know how.

- ImBlack - 12-07-2012 05:31 AM

Tell her parents or call the cops but then again she may be saying all this to make u feel sorry for her i mean she 13..

- ashley - 12-07-2012 05:31 AM

Did you ever watch a family sitcom and the child in the tv show had a "secret" that they didn't want to tell? But it was a "bad secret" where someone could get hurt so they did tell?

If this girl killed herself tonight, would you regret not doing something (even though in NO WAY would it be your fault)?

She is asking for help.. screaming for help really. You're not even her close friend and she is unloading all of this baggage onto you because she NEEDS help. I would immediately tell your parents. You're uncomfortable with the things she is telling you and you should be. You were probably raised in a more normal or stable environment. She needs help. It shouldn't be your responsibility to get her help, but you might need to help her by taking the first step.

Even if none of the stuff she is saying is true, it is still signalling that she needs help.

Good luck.

- giganticcast889 - 12-07-2012 05:31 AM

a very awkward situation. i would suggest you should help her out by listening to her and guiding the way out. by providing her emotional comfort because that is what she's lacking. moreover she's immature and would learn by age. but you should not leave her alone in such conditions.
to the other part of being in a relationship with her i would say age doesnt matter. 5 years is not a big deal. but that's all about what you think. if you're not comfortable just stay like a friend. i wish u luck and god bless that girl..

- Cowlifornia Love - 12-07-2012 05:31 AM

yeah I didn't read any of that cuz I don't GAF.