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How do i get him to talk to me again? - Printable Version

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How do i get him to talk to me again? - Lexie - 12-07-2012 05:43 AM

So I had a best guy friend, we talked ALL the time. (We argued a whole lot but always got over it) We were like attached. Then he fell for me, and I told him I just wanted to be friends. We stayed close. Like, we told each other we loved each other,and everything. Like brother-sister relationship. Then I fell for him, and I told him. He just wanted to be friends. Okay, we were still close. Then here recently we got into another argument. I was on the phone with another guy friend all night, we're close too. But he called me and I told him I would call him when I got off of the phone.

I did, and when I did he was drunk. He knows I don't like talking to him when he's drunk. So, I got off of the phone quick. And he got mad at me and didn't talk to me for a while. He wouldn't text me back, but he would text my brother.
Later that night I finally got him to talk to me, and he said.
I said, "Yeah?"
He said "I love you. More than a friend."
I told him I love him too, and we talked for a while.
He said he didn't want a relationship with me that was gonna get fuc*** real easy, because he's been in the studio and smoking (he knows I don't like that).
I felt like I was being put second.
But, we still talked and everything.

A couple of nights ago he got mad at me for not saying anything to him when I saw him, we got into it bad, and I said
"F**k it, I'm through."
And he said dont talk to me ever again.
and i said k bye.

He hates me, but I still love him. Please don't tell me to get over him, because that won't happen. My best friend messaged him on facebook, and he sounds pretty convinced he hates me. I want him to talk to me, but I don't want to talk to him first. My bestfriend tried to get him to talk to me, but he hates me. I know this is a complicated one to figure out, but I challenge you.

- curiouscanadian - 12-07-2012 05:51 AM

You know this guy has a lot of issues to deal with. Doesn't sound like a happy camper to me so I am wondering why you would want to be involved with someone who is so mixed up. Keep him as a friend. He loves you yes, but not in the way you want to be loved. He is too busy taking care of his own needs and is trying to protect you.

- Riktovi - 12-07-2012 05:51 AM

If he's convinced himself that he hates you, then he isn't likely to talk to you first. Engage the conversation, even if you don't want to. Send a message or try to call every now and then, and see if he answers. If not, wait a little longer and try again. Eventually he'll talk to you and then you've got a second chance. Good luck.

You can also try simply telling him that you miss him. That can do wonders sometimes.

- keli - 12-07-2012 05:51 AM

Wow, that sounds really bad. I was in a similar situation where I was close to a guy and we talked, we could've been something... But we never said anything. He stopped talking to me for no reason, deleted me off facebook, with no explanation, he hates my guts, it sucks it really does. We share no conversation, all is past. What I'm trying to say is ..IF this boy really matters to you, and you really matter to him, he'll come back around.. maybe not now but with time, in the meantime all there is to do is wait, and forget if possible. Hope that helps Smile

- Jasmine - 12-07-2012 05:51 AM

I think that if you really love this guy and you wanna talk to him again , you can't just wait around for him to talk to you.. you have to talk to him first. Maybe telling him how you really feel again? You never know what'll happen. You gotta be the bigger person : ) if you wanna talk to him again.