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Why can nobody but me see my cover photo on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why can nobody but me see my cover photo on Facebook? - Ashleigh - 12-07-2012 05:55 AM

So I upload a new cover photo on facebook and asked my friend if she liked it. She said she couldn't see it, which is weird because I can see it. So I asked my brother if he could see it but he can't either but they can see it in my cover photos album.
Ugh how do i fix it? I don't want my profile to be cover photo-less! haha
P.s. i tried uploading it from another browser but no luck :/
Ahhh, sounds about right. Was just freaking out a bit thinking it may be my new laptop or something. I'll try again later.

- charlene :) - 12-07-2012 06:03 AM

im having the exact same problem Sad maybe its just facebook being shit atm

- David - 12-07-2012 06:03 AM

Face Book is experiencing some technical difficulties lately as they are changing their platform and such so it could be just that. They seem to have many problems with that forum and platform. I honestly do not know why. Hope this helps.