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My mom hate me what do i do now? - Printable Version

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My mom hate me what do i do now? - Megaroo - 12-07-2012 12:51 PM

My mom took my iPod hacked it and read my Facebook messages to someone. She found out I called her a b**** and I said some other pretty mean stuff that shouldn't have been said. I only said it because she's been yelling at me about school making me feel dumb and threatening to throw me out. I'm running 4 academics this semester and I'm in grade 12. I get depressed, stressed out, I don't eat, or sleep somedays and then I have my mom yelling at me telling me that bad things will happen if I don't get my act together. I never talk to her about my problems because she doesn't listen or even care about them so I yell and take my anger out in swear words to other people. I'm mad at her too for invading my privacy and then accusing me of taking my clothes off on the internet which wasn't true. She disconnected my internet and threatened to throw me out when I'm 18. So what do I do now? I've been contemplating suicide again and I really have no clue what I'll do if she makes me leave.

- Grimlord - 12-07-2012 12:59 PM

Use a better password. Something memorable, but unrelated to anything. Other than that, be careful what you put on the internet. Once it's on, it's on for good. And don;t do suicide. It's selfish and frankly, cheating like skipping to the last page of the book.

- Whitney - 12-07-2012 12:59 PM

Obviously your in a dark world right now. I know how you feel and anybody can give you advice but you only think the worst of it… i know what its like. All you have to do is think… "Where will my life be in 10 years?" do you think your mom is going to hate you because you said stuff about her when you were a teenager? She knows that your going through high school and almost to the end and into the rest of your life. She might ground you now and you might think she hates you, but look at all the things that you have done! your amazing at academics and she is proud of that… it might not look like that but she is proud. parents sometimes never praise all the stuff that you do amazing, but they do see it. Your mom is just trying to do the best for you and get onto the right track. yes, your mom might be a little upset you called her all that stuff but, she won't remember that in 10 years when your maybe married and have kids. just go up to her and say your sorry and didn't mean anything that you said.. you were just upset and shouldn't have done it…. and won't do it again. it might take a little courage, but maybe she needs the help because she might think she is doing everything wrong and bad parent… most of all just let her know you love her… and keep telling her that. soon it will all pass over and you'll think this was silly… i know right now it doesn't feel like that, but it will. One quote that i always tell myself and i try to believe it but doesn't always work.. "smile, its a bad day, not a bad life"