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What is the obsession with 'Brony' or rather, 'My Little Pony' among some guys...? - Printable Version

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What is the obsession with 'Brony' or rather, 'My Little Pony' among some guys...? - bethany - 10-03-2012 03:27 PM

I don't know if this is only happening where I live...
But I know quite a few guys who are OBSESSED with it.
It's girly. Some of these guys who are obsessed with it don't seem girly in the slightest.
It's really creepy (in my opinion). I find the ponies a bit weird.
My friend drew his brother a card and drew a pink pony in it...
I don't care if you think "boys can like pink too etc etc"... that's not really my point.

Will someone explain what is going on here. I'm really concerned.
Especially as I like a guy who is into all this stuff. I think it's kind of unhealthy, they have twitter accounts for thier ponies and everything.

Most guys I know aren't like this btw.
The world has gone mad, and... crazy.
HELP ME UNDERSTAND/Give me your opinions.
p.s. what does 'Brony' stand for?

- ємвяαѕѕє - 10-03-2012 03:35 PM

Oh my God! Haha! I am a 14 year old girl, and I didn't know what the heck a brony was either until a few months ago.

A brony/pegasister is a fan of the show, "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic". It unexpectedly got most of their views from 9-35 year old males, and 13-25 year old females.

Brony is: Brother+pony.

I don't think they're really truly obsessed with it. It's more joking, but deep inside they kind of like it. It's a mix. It's popular for that kind of audience due to the show's animation style, humor, and dialogue. 3 weeks ago, I decided to watch it.

I am not a Brony, but the show's good xDD

- guywhoflyz - 10-03-2012 03:35 PM

Sorry this is a long post, but I hope you read it none the less. Well, brony is a man (and women) who like MLP-FIM. It is comined of the word bro+ pony. FIM is a reboot of the crappy MLP's from the 80's and 90's. Reason like ppl like it is because, well...quite frankly, it's actually pretty good. Not really that girly. In both seasons (52 episodes total) I can only recall around 5 scenes that had anything girly in them (make overs, slumber parties etc.) Has a amzing animation, voice acting. And, it simply has a lot of humor, in which some is meant for adults (they have a big lebowski reference in one episode. In the least, it's alot less girly and alot more well made then most children cartoons out there today. And the fans are alot more talented then most fandoms out there today. We make fan-fiction, music, art etc. Most bronies aren't spending 24/7 on pony related stuff. I have better things to do then spend my WHOLE day doing that. And again, please excuse this long post Wink

- Salted Pingas - 10-03-2012 03:35 PM

Brony = Bro + Pony AKA a guy who watches the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

The ponies (Pinkie Pie especially) can be weird at times.

The main draw is that it's actually got a really f*cking good story, very 3 dimensional characters, and some damn fine lessons as well. You may not understand it if you haven't watched a few of the episodes.