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I am having issues with a coworker, how should I handle this? - Printable Version

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I am having issues with a coworker, how should I handle this? - Lynn - 12-07-2012 01:52 PM

I am having issues with a coworker, how should I handle this?
This girl I work with has a major attitude problem and has a snappy tone anytime I talk to her...I have always been nice and polite to this person and have never talked bad behind her back or done anything for her to have a problem with me as far as I know. A couple other people at work have mentioned her having an attitude with them as well, including my boyfriend who works there too. Well, the **** hit the fan on Sunday when I confided in someone I thought was a friend about the situation with the girl always giving me an attitude. I specifically asked her not to say anything, and no more than 5 minutes later she is talking to the girl about what I said. Then, she posts all this negative **** about me and my boyfriend on facebook, calling me a ***** and a crazy ho and saying my boyfriend has his head shoved up his ***! Not to mention my boss who I was close with, is commenting on her post and basically siding with her. I am so pissed off and upset because I haven't done anything to this person, my boyfriend has never even talked to her aside from one time at work where she called him from returns bitching at him about being a door greeter and now I feel like people at work who I thought were friends (who I've worked with for years) are backstabbers and can't be trusted since they seem to be taking this bitches side. It takes alot for me to control my temper when someone has done me wrong and I feel like I am not going to be able to refrain from cussing this ***** out at work. I don't know what to do about the situation and I also don't know what her vendetta is against me and my boyfriend...
I am a grown woman, and this other person is a grown woman acting like a CHILD...I have done nothing to warrant this person's disrespect and ugly looks my way as I AM trying to work, how the hell is that MY fault?

- Lynn - 12-07-2012 02:00 PM

Are you guys in high school? If so im sorry an good luck. If not there is or was a very adult way of handling that... talk to her apologize for not going to her first then agree to disagree... and if that doesnt work punch a ho in the face... (last part was a joke)

- rustupd - 12-07-2012 02:00 PM

are you at WORK or KINDERGARTEN ?
he said/she said what a load of crap
you/her/him/they are at work to work SO WORK

come work for me & all of you will be after a new job in 10 minutes

you are not there to be liked you are there to work SO WORK

- Liteyes - 12-07-2012 02:00 PM

WEll if this is a chain store look up the policy for harassment then take those messages she wrote and save them. Just in case So when you see her from now on ignore her as much as you can. If she has to talk to you talk to her as a employee if she starts wit and attitude simply walk away. If she put a hand on you file a complaint . DO not give her any reason anymore she is simply not worth it The boss can make thing shard for you so watch out for him when you feel they are ganging up keep cool and if She keeps up file a complaint with the district manager.