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Guys/Boys what does this mean!!!Help!!!? - Printable Version

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Guys/Boys what does this mean!!!Help!!!? - Niki - 12-07-2012 03:17 PM

I really like this guy and everyone says that he likes me too. We spoke on Facebook for hours the other day but today I asked him about a due date for an essay. He told me about the essay and we spoke some more (he sent me a kiss even though I didn't) and then I said to him that I should be doing my work but I'm talking to him (I made it into a joke) and he replies with 'Sorry, you keep replying, why don't you just stop x'. This thing has been going on for 3 months now and it feels like we're more than friends but less than a couple. Guys/boys I found what he said quite harsh as if he's saying 'I'm only speaking to you to be polite' but what do you think it means? Should I or should I not be upset?
Thanks for any answers, I appreciate it Big Grin

- puppy luv - 12-07-2012 03:25 PM

wen ur talkin next as a joke say - so a little bird told me dat apparently u lyk me? Wink
so it doesnt giv anythin away
also mayb he thought u were serious

- Scotty - 12-07-2012 03:25 PM

I think it means he likes you as a friend but not romantically. That is a tad harsh with "I'm only speaking to you to be polite". But if he's a nice guy, stay friends, and who knows, it may become a relationship.

Answer mine?

- Kadian - 12-07-2012 03:25 PM

He just taught that you were serious. it's no big deal

- eddie - 12-07-2012 03:25 PM

It means stop fucking thinking that any electronic chat medium is a replacement for face to face contact. No one in their right mind considers facebook text to be a medium to define a relationship, he obviously doesn't. mIt sounds to me like you have unreal expectations about what is going on.

- Phillip - 12-07-2012 03:25 PM

Its good to be like this....

- Kallum - 12-07-2012 03:25 PM

Not many people fancy a online relationship because there so much dedication towards one. He might like you enough to give a date a go but not dedicated to stay away from other people from desires. He just uses x just to be nice. Most guys do that, It aint like he was really falling for you and you just said you spoke for hours the other day so you obviously aint known him for long. Just wait and see what fate has in store for you and good luck!

P.S don't be to over him, just act like you did when you met him.