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How and where can I register a 'Chuck Norris' joke so that no one steals it? - Printable Version

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How and where can I register a 'Chuck Norris' joke so that no one steals it? - narrowsuit864 - 12-07-2012 03:42 PM

I had made up several good jokes myself and had them posted on the Facebook fan page, but I didn't get any credit for those as I didn't have any proof of them being mine Sad

Is there a solution for this?

- User - 12-07-2012 03:50 PM

When the jokes are published on a web page make sure to include a copyright claim, use a Creative Commons licence templates for example.

Before that:
Type the jokes on a page and get two witnesses to sign that you created the jokes, sign and date. Post the envelope to your lawyer, put on the envelope that it must not be opened. Once the letter is received instruct your lawyer to sign the back where the letter joins - this proves it has not been opened and proves the date the jokes were created (or the date our witnesses signed the page).

In the future if you need to prove the jokes you should start legal action against the any person who copies your jokes - or breaks your copyright claim. In court have the letter opened and bingo you win many monies.

Joking aside a similar idea is used for songs and manuscripts.

- 7Deadly Sins - 12-07-2012 03:50 PM

Chuck Norris

- Monkey - 12-07-2012 03:50 PM

Did you know Chuck Norris counted to infinity! Three times!