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difficult to talk to guys? - Printable Version

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difficult to talk to guys? - LMAO - 12-07-2012 03:43 PM

I go to an all girls private school and so I find it really difficult to talk to guys Sad I have had guys try to talk to me but I am really shy...and whenever I go on a sports trip with them for school, I don't know what to say to them so I just plug in my earphones because I don't want it to be awkward. Whenever there is a dance, I am usually the one in the corner with a friend or two--sad, I know. There is this guy who also keeps stalking me--he saw my last name on the back of my hoodie, looked me up on facebook and I have seen him around when I go out shopping or something with my friends and I find it kind of creepy, even though he is kinda cute--he is like two years younger than me haha. and there are a couple guys I want to be friends with but a few other girls who just keep flirting like crazy
with both of them and I don't know how to talk to guys. I can be really quiet sometimes, but I am always honest and a lot of guys said that they think I'm pretty, but I don't know how to respond to comments like that so I just smile, say haha thanks and walk away lol. one guy thought I was really thoughtful so I said, how? and he comes up with a few examples and I said, haha that is sweet of you and walked away again....I just keep walking away because I am shy. I am 16 by the way, and I want to know how to be good friends with guys. I have two older brothers and play video games with them sometimes and I've gotten pretty good at battle field and COD (battle field is way better btw lol) but yea. What do you talk about with guys and how do you approach them?? thank youuu I reallly appreciate you guys reading this Smile

- A.R.K - 12-07-2012 03:51 PM

If the guy is interesting, he can come out with anything. First tip, don't run cos he's not going to eat u. Second tip, mayb u r worried u have nothing to say so use this technique ; question and statement then question and statement. Ask anything follow by a statement which can be a simple comment, story or joke. Third tip, treat me dinner.

- Aaron II - 12-07-2012 03:51 PM

i'm a shy woman and prefer not to tell a guy that i have a crush on him. personally i prefer a guy are the one who should make a move, not a lady

- Johnny - 12-07-2012 03:51 PM

Try to tell a joke if you can pull it. Humour losses up tension and it makes people like you it would also cover your lack of confidence, gradually you will become more confident

- James - 12-07-2012 03:51 PM

As you attend a single sex school your experience to talking to guys is pretty much non-existent so don't worry too much about being shy. And from what I see you one of the nice ones with respect and morals, probably listens to Ben Howard. Trust me these are the kind of girls good guys want as there girlfriends.

Now, as for the Guys side of things they are probably as nervous if not more nervous to talk to girls. Honestly, most of my mates are bad at talking to girls and even if they can flirt having the courage to tell a girl you like her is not easy by anyone's standards.

So just don't worry too much about it and try and take those compliments with a little more confidence, smile and just say something like "thats so nice" etc or smile and respond with a question to carry the conversation on.