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How to tell if a shy girl likes you? - Printable Version

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How to tell if a shy girl likes you? - Evan - 12-07-2012 04:12 PM

Ok so i am interested in a shy girl. She is particularly shy around me, it seems as though sometimes she is avoiding eye contact and she rarely initiates conversation. How can i tell if she likes me ? i added her of Facebook and she posted a flirty message on my wall. But i have never had this much trouble deciphering someone..
PS. how do you go about talking to a shy girl, most of the girls i have been interested in were very outgoing, is it good for me to be outgoing with her ?

- Rochelle - 12-07-2012 04:20 PM

Its realyy hard understanding shy people, they tend to act like this because they are afraid of rejection.... How about you start a convo with her in a quiet place where no one can see... Ask her about that comment and look right at her when you're talking, you'll be able to read her like a book... All the best!!

- boo - 12-07-2012 04:20 PM

She does like you!!
Im doing the same thing with my crush.
The reason she doesnt stare at you is because she doesnt want to appear awkward. She rarely initiates the conversation because she doesnt know how to act around you and gets nervous easily.Trust me she really does like you because i can relate ALOT about that girl. Try talking to her on facebook. If she talks to you on fb more than real life then that means she probably has butterflies in her stomach when you talk to her in rl. In the inside she probably gets really happy when you talk to her!!!! Big Grin