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Libertarians, is youtube a internet monopoly? - Printable Version

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Libertarians, is youtube a internet monopoly? - lewis s - 12-07-2012 06:09 PM

The reason i ask Libertarians is because Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Murray Rothbard and other libertarians argue that monopolies are created by governments. Anybody could answer this but i would like to here the answer from a libertarian point of view. Heres is the problem:

When there is a demand for a service or item, many providers will try to provide this service or item to the consumer. When government gets involved, then certain providers are given advantages and become monopolies over the others. When there is a monopoly, quality goes down and prices go up. When there is competition, prices go down quality gos up. (i.e. ipods and the cellphone/mp3 market place.)


So if there is a demand for social media sharing websites, why aren't there more of them??
Why doesn't youtube have any competition?

I personally find youtube to be a horrible website.... Yes it does have a wide range of videos and easy access to the videos, but the interface and navigating through profiles is horrible. Especially considering how easy websites like Facebook are to navigate. I feel if youtube had competition, then it would be alot better of a website. Easier to navigate through profiles/checking inbox/organizing your home page. Why are there no real competitors to such a successful service?!?

- Deprogram - 12-07-2012 06:17 PM

Yes it is a monoply because it is owned by google which is on record to being a front for the National Security Agency. There are other websites like YouTube it's just they are not as popular without the marketing tools backing them like YouTube. Microsoft is also a monoply because it is also a front to record information of users and knowledge of the competition is censored to the customer.

- Tank - 12-07-2012 06:17 PM

No its not a monopoly because anyone can go and create a video website. Its that YouTube had incredible recognition even before google bought them out and now that they have billions to dispose, they will be hard to pass. People are not forced to use YouTube or Facebook and even i will agree that they have the best model so far.

- Dustin - 12-07-2012 06:17 PM

They have competition. Vimeo...

- The MopPetal - 12-07-2012 06:17 PM

I am a Libertarian/Voluntaryist and I do not think that YouTube is a monopoly because YouTube doesn't force people to use their services. If someone wants to use Vimeo then they can. I think that the reason YouTube gives the illusion that it is a monopoly is because:

1. There are more people who consensually use YouTube to promote whatever they want.
2. They offer better quality of services than a lot of other sites.
3. Maybe no one has had the desire to put up a good fight against YouTube as far as competition goes.