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I'm finally over him after 7 months. What do I do now? Please help? I'll answer yours!!!!!? - Printable Version

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I'm finally over him after 7 months. What do I do now? Please help? I'll answer yours!!!!!? - Darlene B. - 12-07-2012 07:16 PM

I have no way of contacting him until next school year or seeing him around town.he always stares at me, he smiles at me sometimes, he goes in my personal space, he gets shy around me/acts different around. he tried to make me jealous, he stood up for me once, we always lock eyes (his eyes dilate, 3seconds-1minute), he's been doing that for 7 months.My friend knows him and she asked him who does he like and he said that the girl went to a different school(so I thought it was me)my friend: do you know(my name), she likes you?(she described how I looked) him: no , who the hell is she?(he was around a group of people when he said that.)( they don't talk anymore)Now it's a new school year and we go to different schools;I'm going to his high school next year. the last time I saw him, he looked at me like he was frustrated and then he looked like he was going to cry.I added him on Facebook, but he hasn't accepted it yet; he was on Facebook last week;someone posted a girls' name on his wall, he posted:who is this? Get off my account, i dont use it anymore. so did he ever see my friend request? Was he trying to tell me something?

- Taetae - 12-07-2012 07:24 PM

go out with me

- lisa - 12-07-2012 07:24 PM

Wait a second, did you say you were over him? It doesn't look like it to me!

From what you've written here, the simple sad truth of the matter is he doesn't know who you are. Maybe he is giving the signals you're relayed here because he does find you attractive; but he still doesn't know who you are. I highly doubt he was getting all upset and about to cry at the prospect of not seeing you again. And the comment to the girl on facebook was intended for THAT girl, he wasn't trying to give you a message...he apparently would have no problem telling you flat out to go away. He had no problem telling her. I think he either didn't see your friend request, doesn't really use the account, or has no idea who you are. Any or all of the above. Anyway, you're just going to have to put him on the back burner in your mind. Next year when you're at the same school you can approach him and maybe build some sort of friendship. For now, it's going nowhere.

- Atliece - 12-07-2012 07:24 PM

To Be Honest that boy is not worth your time, Just by reading this I can tell he is the type to play mind games, He's still a little kid that needs to grow up....Don't put yourself in that position to where he's controllin your thoughts & I bet once u go to highschool you will meet a lot more ppl & start to see everyones true colors , In 5 -6 years from now u won't even remember his name & u will be happy with someone else, Don't make it look like u like him, put on an act & then he might come torwards you, But in my opinion stop while your ahead & find someone else

- travelgirl99 - 12-07-2012 07:24 PM

Sounds like he just does not want to be bothered.
Obvious because he told that person who put their name on his facebook wall to get off, because he doesn't use the account . Of course he uses the account still, or he would never have seen someone's name up on the wall !

Sounds like he's not really interested.
I know your eyes locked and you had these little things in passing that happened.

These sorts of things happen all the time, nothing wrong with it - just have fun with it, but don't put too much stock on forming a relationship with someone because he looked into your eyes for a certain amount of time.

If you are interested in him, but he has not made a move, you need to be the one to invite him to do something, like go hang out or go for coffee or something..if he accepts then you will know he is interested. If he declines, you haven't lost anything, and you then would know whether or not you had a chance.

Dont put too much stock in a friend putting feelers out for you either.
You said your friend was asking him about girl he likes.
Sometimes friends aren't always that honest with each other, and maybe the answer she said he gave really is not the true answer he gave.