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my boyfriend can't keep a job? - Printable Version

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my boyfriend can't keep a job? - M - 12-07-2012 10:20 PM

I am really depressed. My boyfriend got fired AGAIN from his job. He is such a nice, good person so I don't know what happens at work that gets him fired. He seems to have problems with other employees and I don't understand it because he has a huge heart and is very non aggressive and nice and sweet. I think he has problems following directions at times or remembering stuff but that's it. He is older so I think age discrimination is a factor as well. The bottom line is that financially it's killing us. I'm a teacher trying to support two of us and I don't work full time right now (trying to find a full time position) and it puts a lot of stress on our relationship. I haven't slept in two days because I am so worried.about our future. Some people think I should just dump him but when you love someone you don't dump them after two years together just because they don't have a job. It's not like he is some loser sitting on the couch watching TV all day sponging off of me. Yes he's poor but has a huge heart. I am just depressed because it's not where I saw our future going when we met. I thought I had finally met the one for me but it's been very rocky financially for most of the past two years because of him first being fired shortly after we met, then being unemployed and trying in vain to get new work, finally getting new work, getting laid off again and then most recently getting fired. I guess I don't really have a question, just wondering if anyone else is going through the same thing. I am sure some of my friends would think I am totally stupid for staying with him which is why I don't feel like I can talk to anyone. They are all super successful and well off financially and I feel like a loser.
Nice response Afro. Should have expected it from someone who uses the username Afro. Idiot. Stop wasting people's time with your stupid fucking responses.

- Afro - 12-07-2012 10:28 PM

No money=No relationship

How are you going to steal your bf's money if he doesn't have any?

I kinda find what you're saying offensive.

- Cole - 12-07-2012 10:28 PM

Support him, as hard as it is on you it's bound to be harder on him. Think of how he feels losing another job! poor guy... Maybe you could get two jobs until he gets another one!

- Good Life by Love - 12-07-2012 10:28 PM

never compare and just focus on your happy life with him.

Recommended to take it slow, take time to get to know the person. Try to keep things clean, less baggage. Let years of perfect relationship before marriage (if you want you can always be engaged and married after years has passed). You can always accept the marriage ring and just marry when you have a few years of solid peace and love engagement/relationship. Make sure only settle for your soul mate with peace and keep in mind there are many soul mates. Arguing is normal but is it good? no, so make sure it is 7 years no arguments. After 7 solid years of perfect marriage then a child if desired.

If things are minor I usually just wouldn't even give it a second thought. If it is major I just fix it the best way and that's it. Maybe this will be a good method for you guys. Always reinforce it with Love

Also I see premarital counseling working.Church usually has it for free. You can even attend after marriage. Make sure no medicines.

On another note: Try your best. Love like you never love before. This is the best way for love to come and start surrounding your life. May love be around you, through you and is you.

Love and the Good Life will come

P.S. Email me if you have another further statements
P.P.S. More & daily words of encouragements TWITTER my account is = @glhww
P.P.P.S. Majority of my answers are for the majority, there are many variables to consider always
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