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HELP! THIS GUY JUST ASKED ME OUT? - SillyGirl - 12-07-2012 11:32 PM

My friend just asked me out on facebook like RIGHT NOW.

He wants to go to the movies next week.

My other friend, who sits between us in class likes him, and they have a history.

If I go, I can't let my parents find out because they'll bug me for eternity, which means he can't tell his friends, because his friends will tell my sister who will tell my parents

Should I go?
she sits between us. shes gonna find out. my parents are the big problem. I need an excuse for 4 hours.
My parents aren't against boys, they'll just bug me for eternity and want to meet hima nd they're really embarrissing.

SHit I panicked and said yes.

- Banana - 12-07-2012 11:40 PM

If you want to go, go. If not, and you don't like him, don't lead him on and go just because.

- Abbie - 12-07-2012 11:40 PM

YES! YES!!!! Go. Just tell him that you are having to go in secret and he should understand. Take the date and run with it.

- Jessie Leigh - 12-07-2012 11:40 PM

Maybe, do you like him is he nice? And I would make sure that its probably fine between you and your friend. Unless you dont really like her. Well anyway, good freaking luck Smile XOXO Jessica

- lala - 12-07-2012 11:40 PM

Your friend may last for a short time but I garuntee this boy will last for even shorter. Do the right thing and talk to your friend first. But yes I know you like him since you said it before when you answered a question. But ya go out with him. And do be sneaky if you're parents don't want you t go, if someone tells them will u b in trouble!,? Dont sneak it . But if you make the desicion to go which I think you should so you don't mss out on this then have fun!

- american idiot - 12-07-2012 11:40 PM

NO YOU SHOULDN'T. your friend liked him first. Friendship is more important than a stupid boy.

- 84th and Park - 12-07-2012 11:40 PM

happy you said yes!