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How to ask out a crush? - TheRameyFuzz - 12-08-2012 12:43 AM

(I apologize ahead of time for the length, if you want you can just read the last paragraph.)

So there's this guy, he's one year older than me and we're in band together (both percussionists). Anyway, months ago I started liking him, he seemed really cool, funny, and totally adorable. Well my friend, Maria, figured out I liked him and I guess thought it'd be fun to tell him. She's told him times a plenty now, "Rachel likes your face." (Rachel's my name.)

Soon after school started (I was in summer band when I met him) I realized... he has a girlfriend. So I focused on being his friend, to pretty-much no avail. It's mainly Maria's fault. She kept telling him I liked him, even got a couple of my other friends to do it too. The worst thing she did was text him using my phone, I may want to mention he didn't know I had his number. Don't worry though, I apologized just like I did every time Maria did anything weird like that. He normally laughs at this... see, cool guy.

So anyway, right before Christmas break Maria informed me that there's a chance he might be single. Here's her logic: On Facebook, right under his profile picture it normally said, "in a relationship with **** ********." Now, it says nothing. Keep in mind I learned this a week and a half ago.

Ever since I've gotten back from Thanksgiving break I've been trying to figure out, "IS THIS GUY SINGLE!?" I didn't want to ask him because he knew I liked him, or at least had heard it plenty of times by multiple people. After a while, I finally got someone I sort of know to ask him if he's single. So, with me in a separate room she asked him, "My friend Rachel wants to know if your single." His response, "I can't answer that right now."

So now, I'm torn between asking him out or waiting. Although we know each other things are awkward between us. I REALLY, REALLY want to ask this guy out, but I'm not sure he's single or what he'd say. So my question for you is either, "Should I ask this guy out?" and if so, "How?"

Thank you so much! >^..^<

- Austin - 12-08-2012 12:51 AM

Yes dooooo it I just made a move on my crush who is Also my best friend on a bus ride to the mall and we kissed and whispered lovey goofy stuff to eachother the whole ride back it was complete bliss and i realized at that moment I love her so doo it u never knw What could happen

- Martin V. - 12-08-2012 12:51 AM

From what it seems like he's single, yet still has feelings for her and it's hard for him to officially say he's single. Wait a few weeks so their feeling for each other will dull out. Then try again to find out about the whereabouts of his relationship status, just to be sure he's single. Offer him to go the the movies, coffee shop, etc. I'm sure he'll accept your offer. Also, I don't think emailing and messaging him on Facebook is gonna get you that far. Communication makes the strongest impressions when it's done face to face.

- 8avian - 12-08-2012 12:51 AM

If you never see him going around school holding hands with anyone or he is never alone with one girl the same girl for long periods of time chances are good he is single. for right mow it would be best to waight a while untill the awkwardness goes away before you make any advances on him. just give him time and space. after a while, just confront him and appologize for maria's behavior and straighten out any roomers going around and say you want to make it up to him. good luck Rachel and tanks for answering mine.