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My friend always asks what i do for school? - Printable Version

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My friend always asks what i do for school? - kawaii - 12-08-2012 01:14 AM

Its has been getting so annoying. Everyday on face book she says "What did you for school today" or "What did you learn" and if i don't tell her she won't give until i do. Then when i ask her what she does she just says "oh nothing really" but if i say nothing really she tells me she's calling the cops on my mom? Okay seriously i just want to close my account. Its like she doesn't trust me because i'm home schooled now? Advice?

- Honey boo boo - 12-08-2012 01:22 AM

haha ok who is your friend? Shes a weird one, why the hel l does she care what you learned! Tell her to mind her own bussiness.

- Sarah - 12-08-2012 01:22 AM

Yeah, I would just tell her it's not her concern and ask what she did that day. Every day. Until she figures out how annoying she is. Just nosey. Probably doesn't even realize that everyone's life is really not her business.

she's not going to call the cops. What's she going to tell them? I'm the biggest busybody on the planet and I just thought I'd drag you into my strange little world?

Ignore her.

- sha_lyn68 - 12-08-2012 01:22 AM

She doesn't sound like a friend to me. Unfriend her and block her on FB and move on with your life.

- K - 12-08-2012 01:22 AM

"If you don't tell me, I'm calling the cops on your mom."

"You realize that by law we have to keep records, right? Did you seriously think you were in charge of checking them? No more school questions until senior year, and then i'm happy to talk SAT scores with you. So did you go see Twilight yet?"


"Um, yeah, I already have enough documentation to worry about per the law. You ALWAYS assume someone is going to freak out and call the cops on you. Anyway. Did your PoliSci teacher get all over the class about the 'fiscal cliff?'"


"Heh, you're so funny, I love your sense of humor! Oops, I have to go, forgot about a dentist appointment and mom is on my case to leave now."


Block the idiot and move on. Or close your account. The world doesn't end if you don't have FaceBook (despite what my friends and neighbors tell me). Looks like it's a forum for middle-aged women to pretend they're farmers and to try to one-up each others' family vacation photos. Ugh!

- Kukana - 12-08-2012 01:22 AM

The obvious solution would be to block (or de-friend) her on FB and ignore the questions (she is probably jealous).

Another possibility, of course, is to spend five or ten minutes every day researching an obscure topic in Wikipedia - for your own interest - and then tell your friend one new fact or concept that you found out about. Every day. She would probably get bored before you did.

- canoso - 12-08-2012 01:22 AM

If it were me, I would defriend and block her. It isn't worth worrying about. If she threatens to call the police, provide her with the non-emergency number for your local department; tell her you found it when you filed a report of her cyber stalking. I use facebook, about 15 minutes a day, but there are a number of people I have put onto a list that doesn't see most of my posts or pictures. I happen to really like words with friends - it takes more thinking than your average forum. ;-) Now, I've blocked about a half-dozen people. Control is up to you. Use media how YOU want. Don't let her or dictate how you use it.