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I think i need better friends? - Printable Version

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I think i need better friends? - always curious - 12-08-2012 01:55 AM

There is so much on this topic but I'm only going to give you the minimum that I can. I have a friend and she sucks ass. She never wants to go out with me unless I'm buying and driving. She's a gold digger that doesn't know it. She has been in a relationship for one month with a 26 year old man and she is nineteen and they just got engaged. Why? Because he pays for everything for her, even her schooling and honestly I don't know if she realizes what she's doing. Didn't used to be like this, we used to be beat friends and do everything together, in seventh grade we promised to be each others bridesmaids and I got engaged in July so of course she had to follow me and I don't even want her to be a bridesmaid. I'm a good girl, I have a head on my shoulders, pay all my own bills, and I'm putting myself through school. Me and my fiance are paying for our own wedding and honeymoon and we both have great job security. We are just looking at houses for when our lease runs out next august. And I'm only twenty!
I want to tell this girl to fuck off but I feel like its hard because I believe she thinks she is doing no wrong. I am being so upset about it at this moment because she is posting pictures of her butt in a dress on Facebook just so people will say something about like does your boyfriend not see this? Does it not bother him? And she just says oh I didn't know it went up there, but doesn't take it down? What the fuxk is wrong with this girl? Has anybody else ever had a friend like this??

- Destiny - 12-08-2012 02:03 AM

You need a better friend - she needs serious help!

Why don't you just sit down, just the two of you, and talk about this???? She is going to get in big trouble someday......

- Rose Hale - 12-08-2012 02:03 AM

I have had a friend like that. But we're not friends anymore and no one really likes her because she's a pretty shitty person. She always wanted stuff from me and my sister and only came to our house and ate all our food and used our laptops and when we went to her house she wouldn't let us eat all her food or do as much there haha. She had jealousy issues over her looks and status too and would try to bring me down to make herself feel better because of them. She was really slutty and two faced and I don't even know how we used to be best friends. She'd put pictures up of herself that were slutty too and it would just annoy everyone.