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Why do I feel such sadness and lack of interest talking to people? - Printable Version

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Why do I feel such sadness and lack of interest talking to people? - e.s. - 12-08-2012 04:46 AM

How do I change? I don't even know where to start and I don't know what's wrong

Could I be depressed? The thought of talking to people makes me feel nervous and sad and I want to avoid it all costs. I can't explain the feeling but I just feel so bad around people.

It's so difficult for me to hold conversations and I feel like I have no interest anymore in talking to anyone. I want to feel natural and happy talking to people and develop relationships and friendships but I just feel so distant from everyone and I can't. Please help me I don't know what's wrong or what to do.

When I wasn't like this, over the summer, I became close with a boy and we talked all the time and were on the phone every night and I don't even remember what we could have possibly said to each other for so long and how I did it. Now I feel like everything I say is wrong and unnatural and don't expect conversations to last long. I do try to keep it going but they never last. I don't even know what's wrong or where to start Sad
I also wanna call that boy because I just got my phone back and the last time we talked on the phone was September but I'm so afraid. I know there's no way it will go well and I'm not being negative saying that, just realistic. I know for a fact that I need to change my mindset before I talk to him. We talk over Facebook but I just feel so miserable like I'm doing everything wrong and he must pick up on it because we don't have fun interesting conversations like before and he's showing less and less interest. I don't get excited when I get texts or messages anymore or anything

- Ashleigh - 12-08-2012 04:54 AM

I kno how u feel.... Dont smoke weed cos it mkes it worse.