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What is the most funny/embarrassing thing you have ever experienced in your life? - Printable Version

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What is the most funny/embarrassing thing you have ever experienced in your life? - Jake - 12-08-2012 06:15 AM

That you can remember.

- Kasumi - 12-08-2012 06:23 AM

One time, during preschool, I accidently peed on the gym floor. I was trying to hold it in, but I just dumped it on the floor. Everybody was like, "Ewwww!" Even the gym teacher was very disgusted. I was taken to the office for my mom to pick me up. I'm 14 now, and I still remeber that memorable day...

- Wolfy - 12-08-2012 06:23 AM

In 6th grade I dropped a taco, went back in line, dropped THAT taco and then cried and ran away. I don't know why I cried but I front of EVERYONE in the lunch room. which was 8 classes.

- highmagic749 - 12-08-2012 06:23 AM

I was about 4 years old. I didn't wear any underwear then, and I went to the park. I was wearing pants, but the pants had a gaping hole, that I didn't notice. Then a lot of kids at the park were laughing at me, and I didn't even realize why, until I was walking home.

Give me a break, I was 4!

- Andrea - 12-08-2012 06:23 AM

one timee back in fifth grade i was with my friends and they were beeing really funny.
i was laughing really hard and couldnt help it.
i ended up farting cuz i was laughing too hard to help it..
we had to move to another spot..
that was sooooo embarassingg :}

- Nichole - 12-08-2012 06:23 AM

well Jake... there are many embarassing things that have happened to me... especially today..

1. today i got an atomic wedgie from my friend in the middle of most of the school during lunch
2. today, i fell downstairs, hut my foot, and hurts IMMENSLY when i walk on it everyone was laughing
3. today, i went to get a piggyback ride, they lost their balance, we fell into a wall, and almost got trampled by our peers
4. today, me and two of my friends went to hug each other( all together like we usually di like a triangle) and the soda my friend was holding was dumped all over the three of us.. we were in a very sticky situation..
5. today. a horse was trying to eat my shirt
6. today, i almost got shat on by a steer (male cow)
7. today, while during a biology qiuz, a kid (the smartest one) asked what kind of animal an oak is (haha.. its a type of tree.. it made my dayXD)
8. today, a gay kid in one of my classes (hes one of my best friends, so please dont judge me) announced that he wished the Hostess company didnt close down because he gives b js for fatcakes
9. yet again.. today, the same kid.. decided to complain about his girdle.. (yes hes chubby)
10.YESTERDAY lol but yesterday a spanish kid stole my friends phone, got onto her facebook, and posted a status on her wall saying "Bryan was here babe<3' and her ex seen it on there, and said back "so whos this bryan kid?? since your all his babe and sh!t??" and well.. that ex usually isnt like that.. but it was the funniest thing ever..
11. at the end of 8th grade, we had a blowup water slide/bouncehouse... i went down it... in my white pants..
12. we were watching a video on animals.. there was a sheep eating grass and the camera was filming the face.. out of nowhere i go "awww! thats a cute llama!!!"
13.a few months ago.. i fell up a flight of concrete stairs
14. two weeks ago, walking down the stairs of my school bus.. my skirt flew up, and flashed half the school outside
15.last year, went to go sit in a chair, and it was pulled out from beneath me
16.when i was younger, i was playing on the ice... come kid slid by, knocked me over, another kid slid by, and took my snowpants with her..
17. went swimming with the guy i like with some other friends.. dove into the pool, came up, everyone was giggling, giving me looks, and it turns out that my top came off.. ( it lasted for five minutes)
18. wsnt paying attention while playing football.. and got three footballs to the face at once (we were plaing with multiple footballs)

i have many, many more.. i just cant write them all right now :0

i hope some hae made you laugh and mayyyybe ill be the best choice Smile

- Time of your life - 12-08-2012 06:23 AM

I was pantsed by one of my Guy friends. It wasn't that embarrassing cause I had spandex underneath my sweatpants but it was kinda and funny haha
I also fell up and down the stairs like 4 times last year during school lol I'm a klutz
That's all I can remember right now haha

- Lucy - 12-08-2012 06:23 AM

Hhahaha I have so many its hard to choose one Tongue
Well heres an Embarrassing and kinda funny one... I was at this wax work museum (I was about 12) and I went up to this model and linked my arm round it and then went 'Picture' but I must of knocked it or something because its head fell off. Everyone around me was just laughing it was so embarrassing Tongue
Another one is... Erm well I got my head stuck in the bus doors Confused I was getting off my school bus and I stuck my head out the door to see if it was raining so that if it was I could get my jacket our before I get off and the stupid driver shut the door on my head :')