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How do I block friends activity updates on Facebook without blocking status and fan page updates? - Printable Version

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How do I block friends activity updates on Facebook without blocking status and fan page updates? - ARK - 12-08-2012 06:37 AM

When I go to facebook there are all these activity updates about who became friends with who and who joined what fan page. They clutter the screen up and I can not see updates or my fan pages with out keep hitting older posts button.

How do I block just the activity updates of who is joining who or what, but not their updates or my fan page updates?

I tried using just status updates, but then I miss out on my fan page updates and farmville stuff. So I want to do news feed or live feed but with some type of filter.

- daniellesarakas - 12-08-2012 06:45 AM

You cannot. You may only hide people and applications. Sorry, I wish Facebook would think of things like that. You used to be able to, but not with the new Facebook.

- Topi jerami - 12-08-2012 06:45 AM

You cannot........