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My parents want my passwords? PLEASE ANSWER QUICK? - Printable Version

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My parents want my passwords? PLEASE ANSWER QUICK? - Hunter - 10-03-2012 03:47 PM

my parents are being over protective and doing everything in their power to piss me off. as bad as it sounds, it's gotten to the point where I stay in my room most of the time, limiting interaction with them, but sports and such don't help. don't get me wrong, I would love to have a better relationship with them but the piss me off so freaking much. they want my Facebook, twitter, and iPhone password? I want to be straight up and say hell no, but that will only make it worse for me. I need tips on what to do because it's gotten out of hand. im not even a bad kid and I don't have much to hide, but there's things I don't exactly want them to see. don't give me any of that "they love you and are looking out for you" bull s h i t. I need serious answers and solutions. thanks, and please respond quickly, they may ask for them tonight.

- ? - 10-03-2012 03:55 PM

Give up fool.

- Peachy Perfect - 10-03-2012 03:55 PM

If they have Facebook/Twitter accounts, just friend them on Facebook, and tell them they can follow you on Twitter. That way, they can see everything you post without you having to give them your password. Win for you, win for them.

I don't know much about iPhones so I'm not sure what to tell you about that.

- randomness3 - 10-03-2012 03:55 PM

hmmm.... why do they want them? ask them to stall for time. Other than that, there really is no way to not give them your passwords if you dont want consequences. In the end, they have the final say. Suckish answer but sadly true.

- Ayva - 10-03-2012 03:55 PM

Give them the passwords, it is the only way to get them to trust you. Make new accounts just block all of your family members.

- Chikidy - 10-03-2012 03:55 PM

Give them the wrong password.. when they bring it up say "it worked for me" "you must of typed it wrong"

- Waleed - 10-03-2012 03:55 PM

say that you have private things you just feel wierd giving, when they say what do you mean, tell them they are my personal things, and a password is ment so that nobody can use that profile