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What would the world be like without Facebook? - Printable Version

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What would the world be like without Facebook? - K8tea - 12-08-2012 06:50 AM

And other social networking sites? Honestly, now that I think about it, I miss the days where we didn't spend so much time online (yes, I realize I am online right now lol). And Facebook just seems like a way for people to show off. Wedding, engagements, babies, etc. I can't stand when people plaster their relationships all over the web and lately it seems that is what Facebook is all about!


- AdrenilenRushh - 12-08-2012 06:58 AM

Better because people would go outside and talk you would see a lot more people outside thats all i have to say

- Lauren - 12-08-2012 06:58 AM

Facebook is a good way for these fools to show off their lives and other garbage to the world to make people think they have it all good and to make people jealous. Why would anyone be jealous? I laugh at these idiots...Their pictures are on the internet for the whole world to see and their private information is up for the whole world to read about. It don't matter if it's friends and family seeing their pics/info, there's certain lines they shouldn't cross BUT the dummies let everybody in their private business anyway. I wish there wasn't internet or video game systems anymore...then people would have to get up and go outside and actually do something or read a book. I can't imagine the horrible outrage if internet along with Facebook, cell phones, and video game systems were to be taken away and outlawed. I bet there would be suicides everywhere.

The world would be better off without Facebook. I hear about it every single day. Everybody and the cockroaches from their houses are on Facebook. If there was no Facebook then people would have more privacy and wouldn't be losing their jobs because of an idiotic picture posted of them screwing around drunk on their Facebook page.

- James Green - 12-08-2012 06:58 AM

What would facebook be without the world? Nothing. You can find my poems at