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Im going to tell him I like him via msg...what should I say? - Printable Version

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Im going to tell him I like him via msg...what should I say? - Victoria - 12-08-2012 07:13 AM

Hello all!
I have asked in a previous question whether or not I should this guy that I like him.
From the help that I got I have decided to tell him so...
What should I say? Like "I was waiting to tell you for a while..." etc but I need to do this via facebook
msg as I dont have any other way of contacting him now as he has left my course.
So what should I say? This is really the only time I can say it and once I say it theres no going back.
Any help or advice would be appreciated!
Thanks x

- MoNsTeR! eNeRgY! - 12-08-2012 07:21 AM

Honey, if you really like this guy, don't text him at all. You have two choices:

1st, You call him and tell him about your feelings.
2nd, Meet him anywhere and tell him face to face.

Honestly texting is just not a good way of saying,"I like you"
I recommend number 2, because if you tell him i like you, and if that guy also liked you in the first place, there you go, your first kiss with him.. Trust me it works ^_^

Glad i helped

- azorka - 12-08-2012 07:21 AM

Let's meet to discuss us.

- me - 12-08-2012 07:21 AM

Do it face to face, so that you can read him. In text you might get confused later.

answer mine:;_ylt=AkFFy8GOVJpRc2ztwIkkFiDty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121129010204AAjq0GB

- Dominic - 12-08-2012 07:21 AM

You just say your wish to him.Don't be shy....