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Hoping he's not like the other guys, I like him help!? - Printable Version

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Hoping he's not like the other guys, I like him help!? - Jenuine - 12-08-2012 10:57 AM

I've been talking to this guy for a while now and have recently met up with him for drinks like 3 weeks back or so. We had a good time and really hit it off it seemed. He had said that night when we were leaving that we should do it again sometime, so I obviously agreed and hugged goodbye. We've both been pretty busy with our lives so we haven't been hanging out as much lately but this past week we caught up and had coffee at Starbucks and again had a good time, talking, laughing.I even gave him a kiss on the cheek when we left but it seemed like he went for my lips/cheek. The last time we were texting he asked me for pictures (harmless) not sexual or anything. He's always sending me pictures.and then we became facebook friends and he said its nice to see that cute face again. I had mentioned to him last night we should have another coffee date or wine date sometime and he replied wine date sounds better and maybe some food! and he put a smiley. Unfortunately, he's going to VT for the weekend to go snowboarding with friends and I told him to have a great trip and to take lots of pictures! and he replied with a winky face. I'm just scared that he's just being nice and that it will end up to be nothing like all the other guys. What do you think? Could he like me?

- sailiorgirl13 - 12-08-2012 11:05 AM

Sounds like he likes you keep an open mind, not all guys are the same Wink

- Rowan - 12-08-2012 11:05 AM

sounds like he likes you, how old is he?

- fereydoon - 12-08-2012 11:05 AM

You should give it a try. Do not rush things. take it slow. Many guys seem nice when dating a girl. Only they show their true colors after a while. I am a guy and I am 24 so I know what guys are like. Do not be pessimist. Maybe he is a nice guy. BUT PLEASE REMEMBER TO TAKE THINGS SLOW. If he gets upset by it then I can say for sure he is not nice