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How can I make a website like Facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I make a website like Facebook? - mr.curious - 12-08-2012 11:52 AM

alright so I was wanting to make a website like Facebook. But I want to make it from scratch so what languages would I need to learn to make a social networking website?

- Colanth - 12-08-2012 12:00 PM

You need to learn computer programming and graphic design. Then you need to learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and SQL. Then you need about 50 years of experience (the designers of Facebook probably have more combined experience than that).

- mkincrtz - 12-08-2012 12:00 PM

Go to this link, you'll like it! :

- Euclid - 12-08-2012 12:00 PM

Something like FB? Good luck. It's taken years and Millions of dollars to get FB to where it is today.

- Lindsay G - 12-08-2012 12:00 PM

You would likely design using php. ajax/javascript (possibly ruby on rails) and use a mysql database.

There is, however, no real need to develop one from scratch. You can use an open source solution such as drupal or buddy press to get you started. They start out the the functionality for user memberships, logins, etc.. then from there you can build off of that for a completely custom and unique social media website.

- Irene I - 12-08-2012 12:00 PM

Hello Jacob,

First of all, making a web site from scratch (especially the one that would be as feature-rich and user-friendly as Facebook) will take way too much time, trouble and money. But that is of course unless you have extensive knowledge of PHP/MySQL (for building a platform), HTML, CSS and Photoshop (for designing a competitive template). Another difficulty is a constant need for adding new features, fixing bugs and optimizing a server to comply with the appetite of your audience and industry trends, and to handle the traffic loads.

Even mature developers with pretty much experience in web programming who build online projects for their clients, prefer to work with ready-to-use dating and community software, as that allows them to skip the stage of reinventing the wheel. The main aspect to pay attention to is a 100% open source code that you will be able to modify the way you want as soon as you have enough skills. Only this algorithm will help you create a really competitive and full-featured social network within a reasonable time-frame.

You can go for a paid full-fledged community and dating software solution - SkaDate Script . It comes with a 100% open source code (PHP), and a set of features and templates that will impress you and your future members.

Or, which would probably be an even better solution for you - create a network at ) and modify it according to your conception and preferences.