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Will the Fbi come to my house please help? - Printable Version

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Will the Fbi come to my house please help? - danait b - 12-08-2012 12:59 PM

I gave the fbi a tip on their website. I only told them I knew a guy on twitter saying he was holding an assassination party for Obama. I gave them my phone number and address and they called me. I told them it was the wrong number and they got the wrong person. I'm sure they get tons of tips and I don't want them coming to my house I'm kind of scared.
I wasn't lying when I gave them the tip and I'm 15 so yeah a couple days in jail will be a big deal I think I'm gonna call them back and tell them I was just scared I don't want them to come to my house for further details I'm seriously shaking and about to cry.
I tried calling them back but they wouldn't pick up. I live in MN and I know they probably get lots of tips and I hope they do not call or visit my house again.

- solomon - 12-08-2012 01:07 PM

I doubt it just because they probably receive calls like that all the time and because they now think they have the wrong number, they probably have already forgotten about it.

- Greg - 12-08-2012 01:07 PM

You commited a crime when you lied to the FBI. A threat on the president is very serious. Expect them to get warrants to track down the computer that the tip came from as well as phone records of the number provided to them. When they find out you lied, you will most likely be charged and arrested for lying. Do not think that a threat to the president will be taken lightly. Call them back, apologize for lying, and tell them everything you know and they might not prosecute. Since you lied to them, you are now a suspect. They prioritize tips. A murder plot is very high on the list. There are more than one agent investigating you. Your phone might even be tapped now, as well at the computer.

- me - 12-08-2012 01:07 PM

well, you did the right thing by sending in a tip. if you werent involved in the party you should have had nothing to worry about. the FBI gets tons of tips like that and they dont take any of them lightly, although almost none of them are a legit threat. where you went wrong, was when you lied to the FBI. not only is that ethically an issue, they can very easily track you down through your IP address and this post right here. if they attempt to contact you again, be completely honest it is only in your best interest as well as everyone involved

- Andrea - 12-08-2012 01:07 PM

I expect your report will be filed and compared to other (if any) reports that are made that hold similar data.

They called you to verify the report and having found an invalid piece of information (your phone number) they will now make the decision to either discredit the report (lack of reliable evidence) or investigate further (i.e. the phone number is invalid, lets check the address).

Your report contains some rather significant level of threat, albeit from Twitter. I expect the FBI will investigate thoroughly because although the likelihood of the threat being carried out is small, the impact of a real party or assassination attempt on the President is very significant.

I would just call them back and tell them you were scared to talk to them and that you want to clarify the reason why. They are just doing their jobs and they will understand. I expect they appreciate the information and will be happier talking to you over the phone then having to drive out to your home.

It is good that you took the time to report a criminal act. You are a good citizen.


- Jack - 12-08-2012 01:07 PM

they have better things to do.
And if they do come, whats the worst they can do, put you in jail for a couple days? Thats nothing
You have no reason to be frightened of them.

- q S - 12-08-2012 01:07 PM

Whoops you called the wrong agency. Tips regarding the safety of the President go to the United States Secret Service (USSS). Those are the guys you see in suits, ties and sun glasses wherever you see the president. They also investigate counterfeit money as well as have their own uniformed police service.

- DahDahDah - 12-08-2012 01:07 PM

No one is going to come to your house or throw you in jail. They will see the threat you referred to when you reported it, investigate it, and decide whether or not to take action from there (without you).