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Why is my Ex Girlfriend acting like this? - Printable Version

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Why is my Ex Girlfriend acting like this? - Darren_Vood - 12-08-2012 04:43 PM

Why does my ex appear to not care about me after she dumped me Sad((?
I am so confused, my ex whom I love dearly seems to just not care about me since she dumped me
( VIA TEXT ) and she also moaned at me for ringing her Auntie at ridiculous times
I could simply not get hold of her and was worried
I am unfortunately one of life's worriers Sad
Moving on, 3 days before she dumped me she sent me a beautiful ( DAY LATE ) Birthday card, to my Special Partner, it had a single rose on it and read I love you
then three days later dumps me :/
Crazy, I can't understand any of this, anyway I accepted the break up, and never text or called her, or Facebook messaged her in 5 weeks, 4 weeks later I posted something about I was very successful at work tonight on my Facebook ( Of which I am certain she used to stalk ) and that it must have been my Aftershave or something, the next day I noticed she had changed her relationship status to single, maybe just coincidence I don't know, then the following Saturday I post a grafiti pic of my name, completely harmless, and a very cute girl starts chatting to me and flirting with me, winking and asking my dark secrets, I am sure my ex was online at this time, and my posted picture will have been on her timeline, again I am only assuming, I was simply just getting on with my life, she dumped me, by text, and moaned at me, anyway when I come home from work I noticed she had blocked me on facebook, and what has now transpired all of my family that she had on facebook, non of us ever asked her one question there so there was no reason to block me and all my family, I have not text her but think she may have changed her number, I cant swear to it though, I have since ( 3 days ago ) wrote her a letter, ( No Reply Yet ) and I am not expecting one
I told her that my love for her is true and unconditional and I just want her to be happy, and that if this is with someone else then I accept this, I was the perfect boyfriend, I was always there fro her, treated her perfectly, and never did anything bad to her
it does hurt that she seems to have cut me out of her life when I have done nothing wrong, it is as if she just will not communicate with me, but for 5 weeks kept me on Facebook? I don't get it
I even said in the letter that I would like to be friend's Sad(((

can any of you girls ed some light on this Sad

- DJ SnowCube - 12-08-2012 04:51 PM

She's uncaring and cold..