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How do they find your biggest fans on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do they find your biggest fans on Facebook? - soccergirl12 - 12-08-2012 06:43 PM

The app "who are your biggest fans" on Facebook. How do they decide on who your biggest fans? Do they just do it randomly or figure out who has looked at you profile most or something?
Thank you!

- I LOVE MY INDIA - 12-08-2012 06:51 PM

well that application is not real...its a virus...if you click to find out who your fans takes a hold of your account and sends messages/wallposts to your friends saying the same thing...and it hacks, i suggest you not click on any apps that claim they can do all that...because currently, in facebook you cant find out who is your biggest fan, you cant find out who views your profile the most, and you cant find out who stalks you or dont fall for these traps...Smile hope this helps

- Chance Black - 12-08-2012 06:51 PM

The app "Your Biggest Fans" uses a rating algorithm that finds who comments on your status's the most; and you guessed it that's your biggest fan!

I LOVE MY INDIA - has absolutely no idea what she is talking about and you would be better off ignoring her completely. It is not a virus, it has no way of hacking you, and it does not spam your friends.

I am a computer programmer and I have made a program that does this exact same thing (The program was never made live so it never connected to facebook.) . What mine did was use an algorithm to search your status's.