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What to do about stalker-ish ex boyfriend? - Printable Version

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What to do about stalker-ish ex boyfriend? - White Fang - 12-08-2012 06:48 PM

Me and my ex of 2 years broke up a few weeks ago due to a number of reasons, the two biggest being that he refused to come out of the closet and he cheated on me. He's not really following me places but he's always writing me on facebook, sending me gifts, trying to talk to me at school, coming to my apartment. It's ridiculous, he's acting desperate. I'm seeing someone new and he's really sweet and cute. He likes hanging out after school, going on dates, plus he's out of the closet. All of the things my ex was too afraid to do because "someone might see."

I talked to him a few days ago about this:

Riley (ex): Hey Greg.

Me: Oh god, what do you want RIley?

Riley: I was just wandering if we could talk.

Me: About?

Riley: You know. Us

Me: There is no "us" anymore. We aren't together.

Riley: I know but I was hoping that-

Me: Riley stop. Stop calling me. Stop writing me facebook messages. Stop sending me gifts. Stop everything! We are NOT together anymore. As I recall you were to much of a p*ssy to come out of the closet and you treated me like dirt. Not to mention you cheated on me and rammed my head into a locker to impress your friends.

and with that I walked away. Apparently none of that has sunken in. What do I do?

- rodolfo - 12-08-2012 06:56 PM


- King James III - 12-08-2012 06:56 PM

he clearly has a harder time being gay than you do, the bashing you into the locker was really bad, the cheating is normal bad and the closet, idk if you have the right to be mad about that one, any ways does it hurt you in any real way to have him in your life? he sounds like some one who's sinking and reaching out for support, maybe if you can be a person for him to talk to he can get through this and come out and be a better human being, I just worry that if you cut him off he'll hang himself.

- Gavinitzel - 12-08-2012 06:56 PM

Give him another chance maybe

- Adam - 12-08-2012 06:56 PM

Ignore him COMPLETELY from now on, when he says something pretend you're deaf and he will stop eventually. Debating with him is pointless, he obviously doesn't want to listen...
And I support you dumping him, he sounds like a total jerk, you can do way better than that..