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Why do people online tell me I'm decent/ugly but my friends and family say I'm pretty? - Printable Version

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Why do people online tell me I'm decent/ugly but my friends and family say I'm pretty? - jetthaley - 12-08-2012 09:05 PM

I put up a question on here with a pic and people rated me 6's and i got even a 3. And when my friends rate me on facebook they say 8s or 9s. Are the just being nice and the internet is just being honest? Also my family tells me i'm pretty but they HAVE to. I want honest opinions but it hurts when people online tell me stuff like that. One person told me, 'You smile like a troll' and 'Your face is odd' and 'You look like an asian white girl' i was in tears. but can someone tell me what to believe. please?

- Jimmy - 12-08-2012 09:13 PM

Because people on the internet are mean.

- Mr. Sonny - 12-08-2012 09:13 PM

Need a pic.

- Elaine - 12-08-2012 09:13 PM

If you are silly enough to ask people on the internet to rate you, then of course you're going to get people being nasty. There are people online whose only pleasure in life is to post nasty remarks and upset people. Don't take any of it seriously. At the other extreme, of course your friends are going to say you're pretty, they're your friends, they want to make you happy. And in the eyes of their family, everyone is a beauty. This is all completely meaningless. Don't believe any of it. All those stupid dating shows where they rate each other have a lot to answer for. Just stop doing it!

ADD Now I've seen the pic I can kind of understand the problem. You are smiling in an odd sort of way and you are leaning in to the webcam too much. A lot of people post pics of themselves leaning over towards webcams and it makes everyone look weird. That's not how you look to your friends in real life. If you absolutely must get people online to rate you, post a proper portrait photo.

- Loba - 12-08-2012 09:13 PM

You shouldn't let it get to you. People on the internet will sometimes just be mean for the sake of it. They're anonymous, you don't know who they are, and they don't care if they hurt your feelings. Some people do it on purpose.

Now since you're not posting a pic of yourself I can't really answer your question, all I can say is that people online are less likely to lie about those sort of things than people in real life. If my friend goes to me "am I pretty?" I'm not going to say "No you're ugly." I'm just going to be like "Yeah of course you are (:" because I wouldn't want to upset them, or ruin our friendship.

Looks aren't everything and I'm sure you look fine honey. You seem nice please don't cry.

- hollaatyagirlxx - 12-08-2012 09:13 PM

I think you should believe yourself and your family and friends. A lot of people online are lashing out because their miserable. Your family and friends know the real you and can see how beautiful you are from the inside out. Beauty is not only what we see in a picture. Do not allow people that you do not know, make you feel bad about yourself.

- anonymous - 12-08-2012 09:13 PM

Your friends n family don't want to hurt your feelings! answer my last question please

- roundbun771 - 12-08-2012 09:13 PM

I don't know what you look like, but I am SURE, like 10000% you do NOT smile like a troll. And you do NOT look like an "Asian white girl" (WTF?!)!!! You are probably one gorgeous girl. Okay? Your FB friends are probably telling the TRUTH. These people on this? They're just JEALOUS of your prettiness! No joke! I'm positive! They're jealous that you are SO pretty and they are ugly, so they give you bad ratings! They probably even think the comments don't affect you one bit, but they do! So just IGNORE what they say! Oh wait... You just posted a pic. Well, No! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Just some camera tips (I model..): When you smile, make it NATURAL. Don't widen your eyes, or smile extra HUGE... Make it NATURAL. Make your face feel comfortable. The muscles should be RELAXED. Even though in this pic, you are GORGEOUS! So remember: Don't listen to others. EVER. <<3 If you ever need help with anything email me at

- Jane - 12-08-2012 09:13 PM

People on the Internet are most likely to be giving you HONEST opinions as they don't know you, therefore they have no reason to lie to you... However friends and family are more likely to lie to you as they wouldn't want to upset you etc.