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How To Get A Shy Girl? - Printable Version

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How To Get A Shy Girl? - Mark - 12-08-2012 11:17 PM

I met her last may through a mutual friend at his college. Me my friend and her go to the same univeristy. I saw her last month briefly and we said hi and asked how each other was doing while her and her friend kept walking. The next time I saw her she was alone and walked right by me and im pretty sure she saw me.

She is really attractive and before I met her I use to stare at her when I would pass by her so maybe she finds me weird. I was hanging out with my friend that's friends with her. He told me she's shy because she lacks confidence. He also told me she's never been in a relationship. He said it will take lost of patience to get her. I don't get why shes so shy she is so beautiful

She has lots of friends and I always see her on facebook with her friends at clubs. I myself is not the most confident but im working on that.

- Sadies - 12-08-2012 11:25 PM

I'm just like her, shy talking to guys, never been in a relationship but I am outgoing and i have friends! People are always so surprised I don't have a bf or that I'm shy.

Anyways it does take patience because we are shy but that doesn't mean we don't like being pursued! Ask for her number, take it slow, get to know her. Seems like she may be interested in you too. Also just because she is shy doesn't mean she doesn't have confidence! She's just shy.