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Why Does CNN say GOP ignoring MANDATE of the election? - Printable Version

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Why Does CNN say GOP ignoring MANDATE of the election? - Trumpet Warrior - 12-09-2012 04:48 AM

These remarks, coming on the heels of a sound rejection of Mitt Romney's fidelity to America's 1%, indicate that the ones suffering from a break with reality are the Republicans deaf to the mandate of this election. Their delusional commitment to eviscerating social insurance programs -- Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid -- while allowing the rich to get richer shows a remarkable disconnect from the shared experience of most Americans.
Ilyse Hogue
Ilyse Hogue

Decades of underinvestment in our country by the wealthy class, two Bush wars paid for on credit, and an unrestrained culture on Wall Street that treated the economy like a poorly run casino has unarguably left America strapped for cash. The only question at hand is whether we'll finally be treated to genuine accountability and sound fiscal policy in this deal.
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Not if the Republicans get their way. Their endless exaggeration of the certain doom that awaits us on the other side of the fiscal cliff is intended once again to force middle class and poor Americans to accept yet one more bum deal so that the wealthy don't have to budge an inch. But this time, they do so at their own political peril.

- Mjǫlnir - 12-09-2012 04:56 AM

Because CNN is part of the DNC propaganda machine.

It tells idiots what to think.

Hmmm... it told you what to think, and you obeyed....

- IceT - 12-09-2012 04:56 AM

I don't know because there was no mandate! Obama won by 3%! Not a mandate! The Democrats still control the Senate! Not a mandate! The Republicans still control the House! Not a mandate!

The spanking Democrats took in 2010 was a mandate and yet they still ignored it!

- Todd - 12-09-2012 04:56 AM

There is no mandate. Other than Obama trying to make himself dictator

- Smoking Joe - 12-09-2012 04:56 AM

US CEOs and Wall Street boardrooms are the problem, not the solution.
...they have proven that again and again.