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Why do some people have 568 friends on Facebook? Is that possible for a 14yr old? - Printable Version

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Why do some people have 568 friends on Facebook? Is that possible for a 14yr old? - The Future - 12-09-2012 01:16 PM

Seriously, it's so annoying when people have like 400-600 friends on facebook. Like, why add all of those people you don't know so that they can stalk you whenever. Why do people do this?

- Moe - 12-09-2012 01:24 PM

i have a friend at uni who has over 1000 friends and can guarantee you she knows each and every one.

Some people have a lot of friends, depends who you hang out with, where you go, what you do, and how many relatives you have.

- anais - 12-09-2012 01:24 PM

Maybe some people actually know that many people ( Holidays, summer camp, work, school - primary,secondary,university - etc...)

But usually, people just add their friend's friend, to make it seem like they're popular. But sometimes, people might get fed up of someone adding all their friend, and write on their wall things such as:

'' You're such a looser, adding all my friends. Just get you own and stop annoying the world'' Or something.

Hope that helped and good luck xx

- Heaven - 12-09-2012 01:24 PM

I have 758 friends and I know each and every one of them personally

- Lexie - 12-09-2012 01:24 PM

well you can genuinely know that many people, or you could just "collect" friends... the limit is 4,999 friends sadly.

- Tasha - 12-09-2012 01:24 PM

There are people who actually know that many people. Between schools you go to, family members, any programs(like camp) you attend, then you will have that many friends

There are people that actually only add people they know and still have a large number of friends.

- Aj - 12-09-2012 01:24 PM

I'm 14 and only have like 10-15 friends, lol. That's funny. But, no, one of my friend has about that many people on her account, and their from school, so that helps a lot. I'm not special =( I don't know, a lot of people...