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Can I use facebook as a diary, like will it save my posts for a long time? - Printable Version

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Can I use facebook as a diary, like will it save my posts for a long time? - Emily - 12-09-2012 01:20 PM

I don't keep a diary but I like the idea. I was thinking I post something on facebook about once a day and I could just use facebook as a diary. Will facebook save my posts on my profile for years? Thanks for the help!

- The Joshtapus - 12-09-2012 01:28 PM

Well first of all, facebook has this thing called notes, which is saved for a long time. Second of all, if you are planning on keeping what you write in your diary a secret (which is what most people do) then I strongly advise against writing your diary entries on facebook as it can be seen by anyone.

- Melon452 - 12-09-2012 01:28 PM

We don't know how long Facebook will be up for, so if you want something that will last for a really long time why don't you write in an actually diary - on paper. If you post something on Facebook i'm sure it will stay on there for quite a while until you delete it or something. But do you really want people to see what your writing? A diary is something you keep to yourself of course, but another option can be: writing a blog. (If you really want to write it online)

- TaintedJ - 12-09-2012 01:28 PM

as far as just the wall i sometimes have trouble going back very far, so look into these notes people are talking about, otherwise you could use dropbox as a makeshift diary

- Looney Dufass - 12-09-2012 01:28 PM

Who knows since FB changes it's policies every 6 months. But they may keep it online way longer than you wish. You'd have to be downright stupid to put your diary on a publicly accessible site. Use Windows Journal, or Onenote or some other journaling software and keep it on your own machine.