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What does this girl's silence mean? - Printable Version

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What does this girl's silence mean? - Anderson - 12-09-2012 06:11 PM

This has happened recently. I'm in third year and this girl is in 2nd year. I saw this girl many time around in college .

This november we became friends on facebook but never interacted. [i have 2 facebook accounts n she was in my friend list in both accounts. now only in 1 :-( ] My exams got over and i couldnt stop thinking about her. and so to pass my time doing something productive, I sketched her picture during my vacation in november to give it her on her birthday (28th Nov).
Our winter vacations got over and our classes started on 26th Nov. The day before her birthday, i was standing in the corridor, when she along with her friend were leaving from her class. and as i was looking at them, all her friends were smiling at me except her. she was feeling shy at some point and was hiding behind her friends (i think they all know that i like this girl) When i told one of her friend to call her, she looked at me without giving me a smile. and i tried to call her again to give her a smile but it became rude the second and the third time. Same day, i'd sent her text on facebook as why she was so serious?? but she did not reply, but blocked me.

Next day i went to her class to give the sketch to her on her birthday, but she was absent and had gone somewhere along with her friends. and so i left the sketch with one of her friend who had come to college.

Next day, her friend came to me and told that she didn't accept my gift as she didn't know me itseems. Then i told her to give it to her saying that she's my facebook friend. n so she accepted it later. Later on the same day, i sent a text message on facebook (from my other account) thanking her for accepting my small token and hoped that she liked it and asking her whether we can be friends or no.. But she didn't reply, although she saw my message. she didn't block me either.

Next 2 days, I saw her in college but she was silent and wasn't making eye contact, but her friends looked at me. All her friends looked at me except her.

What could her silence mean? Should i wait for her to respond or should i forget this girl? [but i like her :-( ]

help me..!!

- D - 12-09-2012 06:19 PM

she is a feminist

- Endi - 12-09-2012 06:19 PM

I'm sorry to say this but she obviously doesn't like you and is probably creeped out that you drew her even though you never spoken to her, forget her and move on, I mean if she doesn't smile and she blocked you she clearly doesn't fancy you

- Michelle - 12-09-2012 06:19 PM

Honestly she doesn't like you at all and you creep her out. I'm not trying to be mean at all either! You have never talked to her in person and you go to her class and draw her a picture. It's kind of creep dude. Just forget about her and move on. It's better for the both of you

- Aanya - 12-09-2012 06:19 PM

Maybe she is not comfortable talking to you.. Maybe she is a bit shy.. Give her some time! Maybe after sometime she will herself try to talk to you! Wait for her to respond.. Don't take any decision in a haste! Don't express your feelings for the time being! Give her some time!

- Raphael - 12-09-2012 06:19 PM

she obviously doesn't like you. she might even be weirded out that some stranger drew her picture.

- scoff - 12-09-2012 06:19 PM

I've been in a similar situation with a girl myself...i know just how u feel...she is indefinitely not interested a bit in u..if u see her 2moro wid sm1 else....u'l b heartbroken n shattered...focus on ur studies..nd cultivate urself in such a way...dat a girl approaches u...BE A PRIORITY NOT AN OPTION..i'll give u a tip...scramble with her picture dat u made...make moustache on it :-P...n den burn it away...make sure dat she comes 2 know of it..chances r she may den realise ur worth..or even if she doesn't it'll will give u a boost when making ur move to ur next kill...cheers!!Smile