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How can I get myself motivated so I want to keep on writing? - Printable Version

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How can I get myself motivated so I want to keep on writing? - Linda - 12-10-2012 02:15 AM

I've tried to write a book... I don't know how many times. But I've always failed, stopped after a few thousand words, either losing interest in writing (but that only lasts for a few weeks) or getting a new idea that I like more than the book that I am then writing.
You see, I have a great idea for a book, and I've already written a little more than 13,000 words. But, you see, I feel myself slowly losing interest in writing it, longing for starting a new book. But still, in my heart, my dream is to publish this book. I am proud of it, and I want to get it completed on paper.
How can I motivate myself so I will WANT to open up my computer and keep writing, instead of losing the interest in it before I even manage to open up the document that holds my story and just do something else, like check my Facebook page or e-mail.
This is my biggest dream, but I need something to motivate me so I can accomplish it.
Have you been in this situation? What would you do, if you were me?
Thank you so, so much for your help! I really appreciate it!
~Merry Christmas~

- Madeleine - 12-10-2012 02:23 AM

A lot of people get like that, so your not alone, but if you have to force youraslf whats the point? Maybe writing isn't your thing?

Maybe join a group or try nano next year.

- Diana - 12-10-2012 02:23 AM

I'm not a writer, but the answer is discipline. You want to write because you have this desire and need, but to be successful, you also need to write even when you're not motivated or inspired. Poppy Z. Brite said that her formula is to apply glue to the chair, then apply butt to the chair, and write. (No doubt she put it much better than that!)

- Lily - 12-10-2012 02:23 AM

It's known as Writer's Block. (You can google ways of getting past it)
I personally see no point. When i hit writers block and force myself to write my story goes to hell. I usually stop writing before i drive myself insane and store it in my memory.
It happens to help later on!
When i need a way of setting a scene or coming up with the correct character my past unfinished stories help boost me.

- Lucy - 12-10-2012 02:23 AM

I've never been in this situation but I would be thinking to myself...

If I'm that easily distracted and I'd rather facebook or check emails than write then either I should just stop writing and do those things and just write when I feel like it - so there's no pressure. Maybe when you put pressure on yourslef to write you kind of blank out - so I'd remove all pressure.

Maybe give writing a rest for a while and try something new, just as like a re-fresher then come back to it.

Maybe you want to write so much you come up with plots that your not really into so you lose motivation.

Jusr relieve pressure and maybe stop for now? Where's the fun in it if you have to force yourself? Writing should always be fun!

- Nicole - 12-10-2012 02:23 AM

ive totally been there before!
anyways,the thing is,u cant force just comes naturally. if ur totally bored with it,maybe it is really boring (no offence!). if u still think its really exciting, then maybe try taking a break from it. sometimes writers get overwhelmed from all the stuff u need to write. after a while,when u start relaxing a bit, go back to it. if u still feel like its really boring,try thinking of just finishing that particular scene. does that make sense? say ur writing about that part where cinderella goes to the ball. think of only writing the dancing part,dont think of anything after the ball.

good luck on your stories!
hoped i helped! Big Grin

- Maxwell - 12-10-2012 02:23 AM

I too, am an aspiring writer as well as artist and I have had that problem too, although I've personally only written short stories at this point. Anyway, as for advice to help you keep writing, I have several tips.
1. Read stories or chapters of books written by your favorite authors and then imagine how it would feel to have them reading a story written by you.
2. Try and think about how you would feel to actually have a novel published and receiving money for something that came from your mind.
3. Write to please yourself, if you truly want to be a writer, write the kind of stuff that interests you and don't write with your audience in mind trying to endless please other people.
4. Get dictionaries and thesauruses to help improve your vocabulary and strengthen your writing.
5. Imagine your book becoming a best seller and how happy that would make you!
6. Imagine if your book was adapted into a film and how that would make you feel!