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How can i claim my Facebook Fan Page? - Printable Version

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How can i claim my Facebook Fan Page? - Hemani - 12-10-2012 02:23 AM

I am working in a design company and before me there was person who was running the facebook fan page for our product from his own ID, while he was leaving i took the admin rights from him but again he claim that fan page back and kick me from the administration. What all i want know is, is there any way i can claim my company product fan page back? i mean any way to email facebook or any technique if i use?plz let me know

Your help will be highly appreciated.


- Uran - 12-10-2012 02:31 AM

tell him that you will call in the law
the page is property of your company and was temporarily in his trust
if he does not hand it over talk to your lawyer and they will contact face book
or contact them yourselves and hope (not likely)

- delightfulghost170 - 12-10-2012 02:31 AM

If your company name or products and other company properties are there then you may only order him to remove these things. This is difficult to get the admin rights of fanpage from him unless you sue on him.This is company fault that why he allowed its employee to do so via their personal accounts.