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Why do you men keep moaning about the sort of children single mothers bring up when..? - Printable Version

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Why do you men keep moaning about the sort of children single mothers bring up when..? - Hannah - 12-10-2012 04:47 AM

Most shytebag teenagers (especially boys) will openly say that it's because they didn't have their father around. So, now what do you say?

It's actually the men's fault really. Just admit it
Woody, this is my question to you, after reading what you just wrote in another answer. Can't you add any more?
What am i going to take blame for? For bringing up my kids? lol

Funny story. The last i heard about my sons father from the police, he'd just been arrested in Kent for getting drunk and leaving his latest baby daughter in a shopping trolley at Tesco....
Woody, thanks. Though i have to say, when i got with my kids dads, both were in full time work. Then, the first turned into an alcoholic, and the second one a crack addict. So, it was fine at the time, but not so much now. Hence why i'm on my own. Though given the sort of people they are now, i wouldn't want it any other way. I don't think i'm "special", just doing what i have to do, with no help from anyone. I don't get why i would be seen as the bad guy in this situation, which is why it sometimes annoys me. You have no idea what i've had to do just to keep my little family as normal and happy as possible. Don't
Oh, and these TD aren't from me, since i can't rate anything
If single mother should be dropped into the ocean, then who is going to bring up all those children? You, Turd?
Tardis, who's complaining? I love my life the way it is thank you very much. Just because i'm a single mother you assume i'm unhappy about that? You couldn't be more wrong! What the question was about is why people keep slating us. Not that i'm overly bothered, just slightly bored. Anyway, i'd rather be a single mother than a junkie or an alcoholic any day of the week! lol
Struth, when i start claiming child support, then you can b*tch about it. Until then, you can't say anything. I haven't taken a penny of them since we broke up. Don't assume what you don't know.

As for calling me psychotic? How are those robot fantasies coming along?? lol

- Dove - 12-10-2012 04:55 AM

well it takes two to make a single parent

- Adam - 12-10-2012 04:55 AM

Women would rather die than take the blame for anything.
Why would you? Its so much easier to always throw men under the bus than to do any type of self evaluation.

- Woody Red - 12-10-2012 04:55 AM

its the mans fault. yeah.

keep telling yourselves that. its getting really old. people are getting sick of hearing it.

*ed* if a woman gets pregnant by a guy who isnt working, who has few career prospects, maybe didnt want to be a father in the first place. with all the birth control options around, more for women than for men (we only have one) - where does the responsibility lie ? its not uncommon for women to have babies with multiple partners.. one after the other. whose responsiblity is her life ? who made the choices that put her where she is ? the majority of these women (NOT ALL) but the majority are career single mothers -- a lifestyle choice they make. either directly and consciously - or through their actions - they are responsible for their own life choices. we both know if a woman wants to get pregnant theres a queue of 10 guys that will be happy to do it for her. Its a womans choice to be responsible with that... well, power I guess. shes in charge - she chooses to sleep with who she wants to. And she chooses to have children.

*ed* women have a great deal of power today - I honestly think they could put a huge dent in poverty if they just made more.... lol... boring choices in partners. there are plenty of dependable men that will stick around.. they're just not as obvious as the jack the lad fathers we have impregnating a large segment of society today.. as I said.. its women who choose their partners. your preferences drive society, not ours. just so happens dependable, non-assuming men are not that attractive to you ladies. it sucks to be a boring man lol

- SlamTurd - 12-10-2012 04:55 AM

Single mothers deserve to be dropped off in Saudi Arabia.

- Alfonso - 12-10-2012 04:55 AM

Because men that are raised by a single mother, are usually oversensitive, and incapable of forming proper relationships.

- Rawr - 12-10-2012 04:55 AM

yeah virtually all absentee fathers are absent by their own choice. many of them start a second family and just ignore their kids from their first relationships. i know so many kids in that situation, they have to beg their dads just to come see them and when they do they are treated like second class kids compared to their "new" kids. like a month ago my friend's dad even de-friended her and blocked her on facebook because she complained on facebook that her dad hasn't come to see her in years.

- Tardis! - 12-10-2012 04:55 AM

Single mothers are praised way too much for doing such a terrible job. There are some single mothers - the single mothers who lost their husbands in an accident - that shouldn't be put in the same category as ones who were too stupid to keep their legs closed. It's your fault for opening your legs. You knew this man wouldn't stay to help raise YOUR kids. And besides, you are arguing about the person who raises the kid, not the one responsible for making him. The woman is the one raising the child, but she is too incompetent in doing so. A lot of single mothers (the ones who couldn't keep their legs closed) are imbeciles when it comes to raising children. All they do is b!tch about how horrible men are for putting them in that position, while raising the same men who they hate so much.

I'm not saying men are innocent in the matter. Men should raise their children, stop crying over child support and leaving women alone to take care of their kids. But enough with this "poor single mothers" rhetoric. If you open your legs, don't complain when something goes wrong.

- Neha Kapoor - 12-10-2012 04:55 AM

It's because women raise the children, not those worthless men. I can very well imagine how these kids would have turned out if they would have been brought up by the men who can't even take responsibility of being a parent.

Edit: i meant worthless men *.*

- Struth - 12-10-2012 04:55 AM

I wonder why we have a clogged Family Court? Why would any man be going to court to fight against the child abuser mother who wishes his kids NOT to have a full and meaningful relationship with their father. Why would fathers be spending so much money? Why did Nicole Kidman sell her adopted kids to Tom Cruise for $254 million?

It is females who force kids to be fatherless. The more a female can keep a man's kids away from him, the more he has to pay her.

Noting that you seem to not know what is going on around you, and you conclude the opposite to reality, I think you could be suffering from psychosis. Look it up. You're on the net right now. Could make a huge difference to your life.