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I would like to hear your love story :)? - Printable Version

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I would like to hear your love story :)? - *~Sarah~* - 12-10-2012 05:17 AM

Most of us have some kind of love it was a crush we had any someone in middle school, and someone you fell in love with! I would like to hear your story. I think it will be interesting to read. My story is pretty long. I fell in love, he did too. But then he broke my heart. Thats my long story short. Sooooo, I would like to hear yours Smile
Ok I just realized my first sentence was hard to understand. Let me try that first sentence again.

Most of us have some kind of love could have been a crush we had on someone in middle school, or someone you met unexpectedly who you ended up falling in love with!

^Fixed it

- *Lindsey* - 12-10-2012 05:25 AM

we met in 9th grade english, he gave me a note saying he wanted to be my friend cuz i looked like a cool person (lol?) and weve been together ever since (over 4 years) and currently living together (oh and weve never broken up)

- Fiber Stew - 12-10-2012 05:25 AM

I saw my English teacher in the hall and then she corrected my GRAMMAR when i was in 2nd grade.

- Yup! - 12-10-2012 05:25 AM

Buy my book! Tongue

- Happy Egg - 12-10-2012 05:25 AM

I met him at this party I didn't want to go to. He kept glancing at me from across the room and then looking away quickly. We made small talk. He said some cute things that made me smile for some days afterward, but I didn't think much of it.

Then I saw him at school, and I wanted to say hi, but I doubted if he would recognize me or whatnot so I just walked past, but by that point he had gotten into my head and I really wanted to see him again.

A week later I saw him at another place, and I had a longer conversation with him that time. He asked for my number.. and I've kind of been crazy about him ever since.... Don't know if it's love, but it is a crush.

- Montana - 12-10-2012 05:25 AM

My Love Story is quite like a Romance Novel...
But the Best Part is that it is True...

I met the man of my dreams at a Senior function
the end of my Senior Year at the 4th High School
in 3 states that I had attended. Always the New Girl!

"Love at First Sight"

From that moment we met we were inseparable until
the end of Summer. However, due to circumstance set in
motion before we met, we had to part ways at summers end.

If you love someone let them go...

We were so much in Love that we did some serious talking
and decided to set each other free since we were going in
such different directions and there was so much of life to

So at the end of summer he was off to college
and I had to report for Duty in the Navy.

We wrote for a while but lost touch.

If they come back to you...

In June 2010 through and Facebook we
reconnected. He was widowed and I divorced.
We SKYP’d all Summer. When we met face to face in
September 2010, time melted, the 35 years now seemed
more like yesterday and we picked up where we left off.
I moved in with him December 1, 2010.

Almost December 2012 and Life with him just gets better....