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How do I report a comment made on someone elses Facebook post? - Printable Version

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How do I report a comment made on someone elses Facebook post? - LaOch - 12-10-2012 05:50 AM

This girl from school I have as a friend on facebook posted a photo which has my brother in the background and her friend (whom I'm not friends with on facebook) posted a mean comment about him on it, how do I report her comment because nothing is coming up around it to report it and when I click on report on her page there is nothing for her comments just for a fake profile.

- User - 12-10-2012 05:58 AM

Click the [x] button next to the comment to hide the comment and mark it as spam (if you couldn't find it, just hover to the comment like you do when you want to delete your own comment). Then a message will appear replacing the comment, and there'll be an option to report it.

- Sharla - 12-10-2012 05:58 AM

This is what you do you have to phone facebook I used to have the toll free number and from there you could report her. You could also block her and in the blocking aspect of it report abuse from there she is going to be investigated. Now you are never going to find out the result but this kind of person you do not need in your life clearly she had not been your friend in real life from the get go. By blocking her you still could see what she has posted so do not unfriend her as she is going to wise up on that one, what she wont realize is that you have blocked her this way if she does anymore stupid remarks you unblock and she remains unblocked for 48 hours all good do not stir anything up with her as you are unaware of what her capabilities in real life are and I thumbed down the first comment useless.